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Daughter receives email from late dad with instructions to throw 25th anniversary bash for mom

Well aware that there would come a time when he 'would be delirious and totally out of it,' the loving husband planned ahead.

Daughter receives email from late dad with instructions to throw 25th anniversary bash for mom
Cover Image Source: Facebook/Aly Mendoza

Editor's note: This article was originally published on August 12, 2021. It has since been updated.

One of the most heartbreaking experiences as a human is the sudden passing away of a loved one. Even months and years after their death, random things continue to remind us of the good memories we have with them and the vacuum their absence created in our lives. A young woman named Alyssa Mendoza had barely come to terms with her father's death when one night 10 months after his passing, an email from him appeared in her inbox. "I was scared," she told Bored Panda. "Who wouldn't be when you receive an email from someone who passed away several months ago but when I read it, my heart melted and it reminded me of how pure my parents’ love was."


Alyssa revealed that her dad had struggled with chronic kidney disease for months before passing away just days before her birthday. "After months of fighting and being in and out of the hospital, he lost the battle 2 days after my mom's birthday and 2 days before mine," she said. Well aware that there would come a time when he "would be delirious and totally out of it," the doting father and loving husband planned ahead and scheduled an email to Alyssa with instructions to throw a special 25th wedding anniversary party for his wife.


In a Facebook post, Alyssa shared the emotional experience of receiving an email from her late father almost a year after his death. "3 weeks ago I received a scheduled email from my dad... It was 3:00 am and I was finishing requirements and I was the only one awake in our whole house. Two days after I saw the notification, I decided to open the e-mail and couldn't believe what I was reading. My dad's love for my mom IS definitely immeasurable," she wrote.


"The e-mail contained instructions for me for their anniversary celebration this year. Apparently, before my dad passed away 10 months ago, he planned everything, he even contacted and paid for a florist to deliver flowers to my mom for the coming years on every special occasion, my mom's birthday (August 19,) Valentine's Day, and their anniversary (June 10.) The e-mail also contained a letter that he wrote for my mom which had all the words she needed to hear from him to be okay," Alyssa continued. "He literally thought of everything to make his great love feel all his love. They were supposed to celebrate their 25th silver wedding anniversary together today but God had other plans."


"But even if they're not physically together, even though he's no longer here, he was still able to surprise and make my mom happy. Not even death could stop my dad from loving my mom and showing her how much she meant to him," she wrote. Alyssa revealed that even the flowers in the bouquet her dad arranged for his wife had a special significance. "White roses are special to my parents because when my dad was courting her, my mom had two suitors. She told herself that whoever gives her white roses was 'the one' and obviously it was my dad who gave her white roses. Pink roses because dada knows that mamu [sic] loves light pink roses," she explained.


"I followed all of my dad's instructions. Our helper and I started setting up for mom's surprise at 11:00 pm last night and finished at 5:30 am just in time for mom's daily alarm (6 am.) Even though I lack sleep, the joy I saw on my mom's face made everything worth it," Alyssa continued. "Of course, my mom cried because she misses the love of her life but I could see how happy everything made her because she knew that everything was planned by my dad. Happy 25th silver wedding anniversary Mamu and Baba! I love you both forever and always."


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