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Daughter cries about 'ruining' her parents' lives but they have the most beautiful reaction to it

Two sisters were watching their parents' wedding video when they came to an emotional realization about their parents.

Daughter cries about 'ruining' her parents' lives but they have the most beautiful reaction to it
Cover Image Source: TikTok/ Photo by @kaceyeet1

It is oftentimes difficult to view parents as anyone else other than well...guardians. They are people who are supposed to take care of their children and have their entire lives revolve around that one role. This belief is so deep-rooted in the children that the experience of seeing parents' lives before they had kids becomes a bit shocking for a few. This was evident by the reaction shown by a girl in the viral video by @kaceyeet1, where she is seen watching footage from her parents' wedding with her sister. They were taken aback by how different their parents were before having them. 

Image Source: TikTok/ Photo by @kaceyeet1
Image Source: TikTok/ Photo by @kaceyeet1


Their eyes had hope, naivety and a nonchalance which the children had never seen before. The video was a mixture of both funny and despondent, with the sisters commenting how they have changed an adorable couple into constantly agitated parents always thinking about the well-being of their children. 

@kaceyeet1 begins the video by showing a glimpse of their parents' adorable wedding and then quickly cuts to her sister hysterically crying. This crying is a result of the epiphany that their parents have been 'ruined' because of them. The sister describes their wonderful parents, “They were so beautiful. And they were so young and youthful and in love” and quickly changes tone by saying, “...and then we happened, and we ruined them!” They were emotional having the realization that the parents had a happy life before them.

Image Source: TikTok/ Photo by @kaceyeet1
Image Source: TikTok/ Photo by @kaceyeet1


The sisters want to express through tears that the video has made them realize how much their parents had to change and adapt for them. They turned from adorable carefree couple to responsible parents whose primary priority is taking care of their children. The emotional sister in her own words described their parents' state “Now, they have to deal with anxious, disabled kids, oh my god!” The sisters felt sad seeing how they have completely upturned their parents' lives. Parents don't have the liberty to start over as they are always attached to their kids. But when love is involved in the equation, the happiness they feel is immeasurable and worth all the sacrifices. This was the essential message given by the parents in the follow-up video. 

The video touched many people's hearts as they could relate to getting emotional about their parents' sacrifices. Many people started demanding a "parent reveal" video. The girls made a follow-up video and asked their parents about things like marriage and parenting. Their mom happily answered regarding her relationship, “Our marriage is great. 28 years”. On being asked whether the presence of their kids improved their marriage, she replied, "Absolutely", making everyone emotional. The father also had similar opinions, “I wouldn’t change it for the world” and added that he loved being a "girl dad." They finished up by saying that the key to a good equation between partners is communication.

Image Source: TikTok/ Photo by @kaceyeet1
Image Source: TikTok/ Photo by @monchismosa


Image Source: TikTok/ Photo by @kilonico
Image Source: TikTok/ Photo by @kilonico


The comment section could relate to the daughters. @quinnsstory gives a sweet message to the daughters and commented, "From a mom’s perspective. You were and are worth it." @cara1900 shared her own experience of watching her own parents' wedding video, "I sobbed watching my parent's wedding video. They were so different and had feelings so raw through the screen. I never met those versions of them". @heathermoore1996 gives her perspective as a parent, "The empathy is nice, but as a parent, I can assure you that you didn't ruin them. Our children coming GAVE us our best lives."

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