Ever thought why you always leave the supermarket with more than you planned? A data scientist reveals the psychological tricks they use to make you overspend.
Have you ever walked into a grocery store planning to buy just a few essentials, only to walk out with multiple bags full of things you never intended to buy? Well, if this has happened to you at least once, then you are not alone. Interestingly, a data scientist, Hussein Naji–who goes by @husseinnaji_ on threads–spent hours researching the clever tactics businesses use to advertise their products, making sure that you don't just walk past without grabbing something. Keep reading to know how Naji uncovers the "shocking psychological tricks" supermarkets use to ensure that you spend more than you planned.
Naji revealed that supermarkets encourage customers to empty their pockets as soon as they enter the stores. He shared, "Ever notice how the fruit and vegetable counters are always right after the entrance? They’re colorful, fresh and healthy, which makes you feel comfortable and stay longer. You’re also more likely to buy more other things because your brain assumes that everything else in the market must be fresh and healthy, too."
In the second point, Naji exposed yet another sneaky supermarket trick. He explained that when customers begin their shopping spree with healthy choices, they eventually start believing that they've earned a reward. So they end up grabbing that extra packet of chips or chocolates, spending way more than intended because "your mind is infiltrated."
"You all know how crazy you get when you shop for groceries while hungry. (Fine, me too.) Another reason why the vegetable counter comes first: Fresh products make you hungry. The same goes for fresh pastries and free food samples. Your appetite gets triggered, which makes you buy more," Naji said in his third point, exposing another business strategy. It's no secret that people spend more carefreely when they are in a good mood—and this is exactly what supermarkets leverage to their advantage.
The bright lights, color patterns, room temperature, and even the background music are meticulously chosen to give a feel-good experience to their customers, Naji said in his fourth point. "Every time you make a decision, the quality of the next decision drops. After a while, the brain areas responsible for emotions activate—aka, your mind gets tired. Which makes you more vulnerable to impulsive decisions," Naji revealed in his fifth point.
Supermarkets are loaded with countless products, making it difficult to decide what you want, need, and require. And because of this, customers spend more time in the stores, he stated in his sixth point. "That’s also why they stash essential products like dairy, eggs, bread, and meat/fish away at the back. You have to go through the whole market and resist all the delicious goodies on the way," Naji said as he talked about his seventh point.
Additionally, he blamed the increasing cart sizes and the ways products are distributed throughout the stores for making customers buy more than they require, he explained in his eighth point. "Most supermarkets are designed to make you go through them counterclockwise. This makes you spend $2 more on average," Naji concluded as the ninth point. But wait! The data scientist posted a follow-up thread to share pro tips to dodge these supermarket traps.
Meanwhile, reacting to the post, @masteryourmagick commented, "How to avoid the traps! That's what I started realizing when learning about these things. I do shop while hungry because my metabolism is a destructive force of nature." Similarly, @justindavidcarl wrote, "This is why I always shop with a list and do grocery delivery. Great post!" On the other hand, @scribyukidaruma shared, "I remember learning about this in a psychology class years ago. Took about twenty minutes."
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You can follow Hussein Naji (@husseinnaji_) on threads for more lifestyle content.