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Dad's humorously creative journal entry on eating a bad egg is epic: 'I ate it and paid the price'

Things got more interesting when the dad illustrated the after-effects of eating the bad egg in his journal.

Dad's humorously creative journal entry on eating a bad egg is epic: 'I ate it and paid the price'
Cover Image Source: Twitter| @roosterboostee

Journaling has often been considered an abstract and profound practice where people write about their innermost feelings, emotions and more. However, a dad has gone viral for sharing his more upfront and honest experience via journaling after having a bad egg. Sam shared pictures of his dad’s journal pages on X, giving a sneak peek into a hilarious and creative entry that has redefined journaling. “From my dad’s journal. His experience after consuming a vile, small egg,” Sam wrote in the caption. The image consisted of 2 pages of a journal entry with writings and doodles hysterically depicting the dad’s experience. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Jess Bailey Designs
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Jess Bailey Designs

Starting with a big font screaming “Bad Egg,” the dad continued to explain how the incident occurred. “Sam joined us for ‘breakfast for dinner’ as we watched the game. I made us some fried eggs, but one egg was suspicious ... small, spoiled and stunted…,” the dad wrote on one side of the page. Along with the words, there was also a drawing of a carton of eggs with one small, yellow one representing the bad egg. “I ate this little one and paid the price,” the dad wrote beside the yellow egg. Things got more interesting on the following page when the dad illustrated the after-effects of eating the rotten egg. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Bich Trans
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Bich Trans


The dad titled the section “Horrible Night,” explaining that he already had pain, like cramps in his feet and calves. To add to that, the egg caused him to puke. “I knew I was in trouble after eating the bad egg … a night I won’t forget!” the dad wrote. The dad drew himself puking and every detail was intricately and hilariously added. The dad even went one step further and drew a whole egg in his stomach revealing that as the cause of puking. The dad got way more creative as he went about his disastrous experience. He drew a timeline to explain how he felt after having eaten the egg. 


He marked the timeline with how he felt right from “eating dinner,” to “vomited,” “felt nauseous,” and so on. The dad even drew his recovery bit where he was sleeping on a bed and his wife comforting him. “Kel took the day off to take care of me,” the dad revealed after sharing that he took a whole day resting to recover. He also added his pet dog curled near his bed saying, “Hobbes always stays close.” People were stunned by the dad’s creativity and skill and applauded his innovative way of turning the situation around.


@normalkay wrote, “He should make comics or kids' books omg his journaling style is so cool.” Sam shared another thread mentioning that his dad had been journaling for 40 years and that he adored nothing more than to go back and look at all of his dad’s epic entries. In another thread, Sam excitedly revealed that his dad created an account @DavesDrawings on X to post his journal entries for people who were awestruck with his work. 



You can follow Sam's dad @DavesDrawings on X for more humorous journaling content.

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