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Dad's hilarious take on school holiday requests is a shoutout to all tired parents this season

Dave Ogleton's staged performance of every parent's feelings after reading the school Christmas schedule is extremely hilarious and relatable.

Dad's hilarious take on school holiday requests is a shoutout to all tired parents this season
Cover Image Source: TikTok| @fitdadceo

Schools and educational institutions take painstaking efforts to make learning fun and inclusive for all. To make this possible, several functions, celebrations, creative arrangements and more are made. With the holiday season here, schools are going all out to celebrate Christmas with gifts, costumes, cards and so on. As fun and entertaining as it seems, all these tasks take a toll on parents, who are already exhausted from parenting. TikTok dad Dave Ogleton (@fitdadceo) shared a hilariously relatable experience of what it feels like to receive an exhaustive and festive email from one’s kid’s school during this time of the year.

Image Source: TikTok| @fitdadceo
Image Source: TikTok| @fitdadceo

He first shared a comparison, recalling how simple and minimal school activities were back in the '90s. With a text overlay that reads, “Parents in the '90s during the holidays,” Dave says, “Hey, so I think all we have for the kid’s school for the holidays is the Christmas concert and pajama day.” Coming back to the present day, a text overlay reads, “Parents today during the holidays.” Dave says, “Hey, I just got this month’s school schedule email.” Giving a hint about the stress that’s to unfold, Dave jokes, “That’s why there’s more than Folgers in this cup.”

Image Source: TikTok| @fitdadceo
Image Source: TikTok| @fitdadceo

Pretending to read an email in a sarcastic tone, Dave says, “Hi parents, on top of this already being one of the busiest and most stressful times of the year, don’t forget to dress your kid for Grinch day.” That was not all; the email continues: “Reindeer day after that, Polar Express Conductor Day, oh and Candy Cane Hair Day on the following day.” Dave, taken aback by the unique and bizarre activities, says, “Do they actually put candy canes in their hair?” Dave then continues to read the email with yet another surprising element. He says, “Tomorrow’s holiday party.” He then stops and questions himself, “Tomorrow’s holiday party?”

Image Source: TikTok| @fitdadceo
Image Source: TikTok| @fitdadceo

Dave then goes on to read the rest of the made-up email and says, “Will have to bring 24 homemade, decorated, gluten-free, vegan, nutless cupcakes.” Dave remarks hilariously, “What in the Martha Stewart?” He then continues, “Oh and please don’t forget, we also have early dismissal, the third week of this month, on all days that ending in 'y.' We’ll email complicated details about that in an equally annoying separate email.”

Image Source: TikTok| @fitdadceo

Dave then reaches the greetings at the end of the email, which read, “Happy holidays,” to which he replies, “For who?” Adding his hysterical sarcastic input at the end of the video, Dave jokes, “Do we have mistletoe? I just want to put it above my b**t so they can kiss my a**.” Dave left commenters and parents rolling on the floor laughing with his hilarious representation of how hectic holidays get for parents with school-going kids. @alexzandriashanic commented, “‘Tomorrow’s holiday party,’ the accuracy.”

Image Source: TikTok| @ashsymons87
Image Source: TikTok| @ashsymons87


Image Source: TikTok| @abmoropi
Image Source: TikTok| @abmoropi

@addieline said, “The worst part is they will always let you know like three days before.” @evelyncastle22 wrote, “It’s every damn day. I’m already exhausted.” @analise090 commented, “You forgot all of the fundraisers. We have to do a different one each week. Toys and then food and then clothes and on top of ‘teacher’ and ‘specials’ teacher's gifts.” @wherethefismyvillage said, “Every bit of this information would be in separate emails so you’d have to go through each of them one by one to get all the dates which end up in missing stuff.”

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