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Dad's epic reply on family's busy groupchat is so relatable: 'I can't live with this pressure'

His daughter shared it on Twitter captioning, 'My dad seriously sent this to our family group chat. I'm crying.'

Dad's epic reply on family's busy groupchat is so relatable: 'I can't live with this pressure'
Cover Image Source: Twitter | @snakel3t

Almost everyone who is a part of a "family group chat" knows that it is a wild ride. From older generations, who don't quite understand the whole technicality of it all, to parents who are exhausted from having to react to every single text, and the youngins who are extremely social along with the barrage of text messages can easily throw anyone off. One such person who is sick of it all is one tired dad whose epic response to the chats will leave you in stitches. His daughter, Allison, shared his message on Twitter which was signed, “a grumpy guy from the pre-cellphone era,” but she had cropped that part out, according to TODAY.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By 	ViewApart
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By ViewApart


“I can’t keep up with the pressure of always having to lol or like or heart everyone’s random thoughts, pics, and amusements,” texted Dr. Thomas D’Orazio, who is an eye surgeon. “For all future texts- I love them, laugh at them, or like them unless it’s bad, then I dislike them. In perpetuity. I can’t live with this pressure. I’m out,” Orazio sent this to his wife and his two daughters on January 16 which now has over 417K likes on Twitter. “When I read it, I burst out laughing,” said 23-year-old  Allison, “He's hilarious." However, Allison feels that she might have pushed her dad over the edge saying, “I was sending pictures of every single stitch I was doing on a sewing project,” further adding that her mom, Amy, and her sister, Alexa, who is 19, aren't too quiet either in the group chat.




“The three of us are very extroverted and send random stuff all day long,” Allison goes on to explain. “He’s so kind and engaged with our lives, he's like the perfect human being and I think it was stressing him out that he can't respond to all the messages,” she added. But her dad hasn't actually left the group.



"It was just a bluff!" she says. On Twitter, everyone understands and sympathizes with Orazio's burnout. @KingBearcrusher commented, "Dude network burnout is a real thing. Some humans were never meant to have this much contact this quickly with this many people. I blow off easily 3/4ths of the daily messages I get on various platforms because I just can't stay glued to my phone all day every day."


Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By 	grinvalds
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By grinvalds


For those of you unfamiliar with this term, network or digital burnout is the exhaustion that is caused by feelings of anxiety and apathy when you spend too much time on your electronic devices. It is a growing problem that is very much prevalent in our technologically-savvy era. We often rely on phones, laptops, computers, or PlayStations to give us some form of entertainment or update us with current affairs but we never realize that all this comes with a price. The price is the state of our mental and physical well-being. According to LiveStrong, "Digital overload leads to mental burnout," says Emily Pardy, LMFT, a certified perinatal mental health practitioner. "The screen time alone is taxing on our eyes and minds.

@Chris_tuffer chimed in saying, "I feel this. I'm in a group chat with my friends and I feel obligated to laugh and react at all the memes people post, and it's exhausting sometimes because I feel bad for leaving it on "read". Like I appreciate the sharing, don't get me wrong, but my brain just doesn't work this way." To this, @vercie_lo replied, "This is why I never have group chats anymore. Life is so tiring as it is, and I’d like to not burn out whatever energy is left of me by having to keep this system of reacting or etc. Let’s make this a norm for people like this “Dad”.

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