After accompanying her daughter to her doctor's appointment, the dad also treated her to a 'fancy sandwich.'
Parents are our real-life superheroes. We always rely on them, no matter how old we get, and they do like the fact that they are needed by us throughout our lives. They are always around, no matter if you are 5, 27, or even 44, as in this case. Reddit user u/seriphae posted a similar story that will make you want to go and give your parents a big hug! The post has received over 10k upvotes, reminding us that even as adults, our parents will always support us the most.
The user wrote about her experience when she had an appointment with a specialist dealing with skin necrosis. Skin necrosis is a kind of tissue block wherein blood flow is restricted to the internal organs or body tissues. The causes for the same vary, and the cure is mainly surgery. u/seripahae happened to have a similar condition and had surgery scheduled with a specialist.
In fragile times like surgery or illness, we get overwhelmed, and all we want is support. We want our loved ones to be right beside us and have that feeling of calm and comfort. However, this user mentioned that her father lived far away. She wrote in her post that she was scared about the surgery. However, her dad decided to surprise her and showed up for her appointment. She mentioned in her post, “My dad lives far away but he got on a plane at 3 a.m. to surprise me at the appointment this afternoon.” Her emotions must have swelled knowing she had her dad right beside her and had nothing to be afraid of.
Fathers are often associated with the roles of heroes. For children, fathers are the strong rock from whom they get their support and strength. And even after growing up, u/seripahae saw her father in the same manner: a rock and a support system. She went on to say, “Then he took me out for a fancy sandwich. Even at 44, we girls still need our daddy.” Many users took to the comments to elaborate on the perspectives of both parents and children. u/comfortable_bum said, “That’s all I want for my kids, a safe space where they feel loved and supported. Life-willing I will be there as long as I can for them.” u/lotal43 commented, “Good dads are an amazing blessing. I can’t imagine not having mine. He is my rock and the person I trust the most. Good dads need more recognition.”
Looking at it from both perspectives, a child will always want to cling to their parents. They need their mom and dad. From something as small as learning to fix buttons on a shirt or mastering life lessons, parents are the go-to buddies everyone needs at every age. From the parent’s perspective, all you need to do is show up and be there for your child. It is one of the keys to parenting.
This article originally appeared 1 year ago.