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Dad surprises his sleeping daughter with a puppy and her reaction is truly wholesome

Fathers and daughters are known to always have a special bond and this video goes to show what a dad would happily do to see his daughter happy.

Dad surprises his sleeping daughter with a puppy and her reaction is truly wholesome
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/King_Pee

Daughters are no less than princesses for their fathers. Fathers are known to go to any extent for their little girls, right from buying their favorite things to agreeing to do the silliest things with them. It is a bond like this that reinstates one's faith in familial ties. In a video that has gone viral on the internet over the years and recently resurfaced on Reddit by u/King_Pee, we see how one father gives his daughter the best surprise of her life.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Johann
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Johann

The video starts with the little girl fast asleep in her bed, covered in a cuddly pink blanket, as we see the father walk softly towards her, holding something in his hand. The overlay texts give us more context by telling us how the daughter has been asking her father to get her a puppy for the longest time and on the day this video was being taken, the father decided to surprise the little girl with one. What the dad proceeds to do is quietly put the brown little puppy next to his sleeping daughter and back out of the frame, hoping the little canine would wake her up.

The little puppy sits next to the sleeping girl for a few moments, confused and taking in his surroundings. The doggo is as confused as ever because the girl isn't moving yet. So the father does the reasonable thing by pushing the dog onto his still-sleeping daughter. The pup, however, simply settles into the girl's hand and gets comfortable on her tummy. Since nothing seems to be working, the father goes on to just call out his daughter and wake her up. When he calls her name, it startles her, and she wakes up all confused and shocked. However, her shock skyrocketed and quickly turned into surprise when she saw the little munchkin next to her. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Skyler Ewing
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Skyler Ewing

The girl's surprise then turned into a pool of tears as she simply kept saying, "You didn't," showcasing the disbelief she felt seeing the puppy next to her. We hear a lady in the background, presumably her mother, tell her how the pup is now the little girl's baby, all while she's still crying happy tears. The puppy then gets comfortable and begins exploring the girl and smelling her scent. The girl keeps saying thank you to her parents as she finally gets up to take the puppy and that's when this adorable video ends.

Image Source: Reddit | u/throwmeawayplz19373
Image Source: Reddit | u/throwmeawayplz19373

The comments section on the Reddit post of this viral video was as wholesome as ever. u/Maintainmarvel said, "Less than 30 seconds after coming into consciousness: 'This is the best day ever.' So wholesome." u/Darthborg78 said, "I'm a 45-year-old man and I would have reacted the same way she did if someone gave me a puppy like that." u/Critical-Art-9277 said, "What a beautiful moment for her, she's overwhelmed with emotion; she's going to remember that for a very long time. What amazing parents for giving her the most wonderful surprise." u/Fast_Muscle_2987 nostalgically said, "This made me remember getting my boy when he was little. I miss him today now."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Cadet_Carrot
Image Source: Reddit | u/Cadet_Carrot

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