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Dad shares how simple activities like family outings or camping can create core memories for kids

A dad to 4 little girls, Mike explains how day-to-day activities such as playing or outings can shape a child's nature.

Dad shares how simple activities like family outings or camping can create core memories for kids
Cover Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure

As a parent, one of the greatest pleasures in life is spending time with your children and creating memories that will last a lifetime. All the bonding and core memory stages are formed in the initial years of a child. For Mike, he and his family form their dearest memories via hiking and camping. Mike - who goes on Instagram with the username thewaltonadventure - shared a video recently that envisioned how adorable camping can get with your toddler. Shooting a video with his 2-year-old Becca, Mike shared that one of the most beautiful and significant memories can be created by spending time with your child while discovering nature.

Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure
Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure


Recording a quick relapse of an entire camping journey, Mike began by saying, "Hey, I've heard that if you pack your backpack, her backpack, drive for an hour…" The dad-daughter duo are seen enacting the words. The two go on to hike and find a camping spot. Little Becca holding on to her dad, seems excited for the adventures that await. Mike continued his video setting up the tent and getting ready for bed outdoors in a fun sleepover with his tiny tot.

Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure
Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure


All the while, Becca, at the same time, looked at how he packed, set up and more and was learning and bonding with her dad. Next, after getting the tents and sleeping bags ready, Mike is seen sitting in a chair, prepping a quick meal for himself and his daughter and enjoying the same with the calming scenery. Mike then set up lights in the tent to give Becca the complete dreamt package. He then said, "Good night, Becca, love you." To this, little Becca gave her dad a cute kiss on his nose.

Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure
Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure


As dawn approached, Mike lifted the cover of his tent and was ready for the next day with his 2-year-old. "Eat oatmeal," Becca continued the relapse as she was seen sitting and munching on some herself. Mike then went on to share a few simple activities he did with his 2-year-old while hiking. These included "playing, following the leader, throwing rocks in the water, giving a piggyback" and more. He concluded his video by saying, "If you do these things, you'll create lasting memories."

Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure
Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure


Mike, who has an account on social media dedicated to his outdoor sprees with his wife Carly and his 4 daughters, Mel, Becca, Whitney and Mara, uses every hike to build his relationship with his family. It's a "thing," especially for Mike and his girls. Several commenters enjoyed the video and commented. @fred.s_world said, “I wanna teach my kids to love nature.” @tasontheside said, “This is unbelievably precious. Good for you man. She’s going to remember that for the rest of her life.” 

Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure
Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure


In his caption, Mike explained why such ideas can contribute to your child's memory. He said, "Even though your kid might not remember the specific details of a family trip, they will carry the emotional content of those adventures through life!" He then explained that there are two types of memories, viz. Implicit and explicit. "Explicit memory is when you consciously recall something. Implicit memory is when you remember something unconsciously. This also includes more of an emotional recollection. Your 2-year-old remembering you threw rocks in the water? Explicit. The warm, fuzzy feelings when you talk about going camping again? Implicit," Mike explained.

Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure
Image Source: Instagram/@thewaltonadventure

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