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Dad shares adorable to-do list his daughters have made for him melting hearts online

Two young girls decided their dad was doing enough work around the house, so they made a special to-do list for him.

Dad shares adorable to-do list his daughters have made for him melting hearts online
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov

Putting up a to-do list in your home can help you and your family to manage their time and chores effectively. But what if the little ones in your house get access to it and decide to build their own to-do list for their parents? u/ElectroMatt333 shared how his daughters created a special to-do list for him, which is nothing people could expect. "They erased my actual honey-do list my wife keeps in the kitchen and made their own," the dad wrote on top of the post before sharing a picture of a whiteboard with some crooked writings.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Nataliya Vaitkevich
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Nataliya Vaitkevich

"Daddy's tasks: Be a happy daddy, do daddy things, get cupcakes for no reason, be very very funny," the list read. The dad was identified as Matt Ward, a 36-year-old man from Missouri with two daughters, as reported by Newsweek. He spoke to the outlet about the story behind the interesting to-do list put up by his daughters. "My wife had always made the good ol' 'honey do' list on a sticky note or piece of paper hanging on the fridge. You know, the normal 'fix the door on the shed' or 'put up a new shelf in girls' room' type of stuff," Ward told the outlet.

Image Source: Reddit | u/ElectroMatt333
Image Source: Reddit | u/ElectroMatt333

His wife, Rachael, ultimately decided to replace the sticky notes with a dry-erase whiteboard for efficiency since the couple always had some work to do around the house. However, Ward's 10-year-old daughter Katie and 7-year-old Emily decided to erase their mom's list and make their own for their dad. "When it showed up, my wife started making it my normal to-do list and then they saw it and asked if they could make it their version of a to-do list for me," Ward revealed. The daughters felt that their dad was doing enough work around the house, so it was time for them to make a fun list for him instead.

"They are always drawing pictures or making cards for me for when I get home from work," Ward continued about his girls. "The best part of my day is coming home and getting big hugs from my girls. It's been very cool to see so many people respond positively to it." He added in the end that being a dad to two girls is "the greatest." The Reddit users agreed with this sentiment as well and expressed their delight in the comment section. 

Image Source: Reddit | u/ceriseblossom4567
Image Source: Reddit | u/ceriseblossom4567

u/Ms_ChiChi_Elegante wrote, "This reminds me of that Peppa Pig episode where they had that strict grocery store list, then Daddy Pig adds a huge chocolate cake to the conveyor belt all sneakily." u/ab052184 shared, "I'm crying buckets over here. My husband died in January and he left me and our two kids. My daughter talks about him all the time and she misses him. Get the damn cupcakes." u/spatialgranules12 mentioned, "The last one is a huge challenge! Very very funny with the letters progressively getting bigger. Also, get the cupcakes just because!" u/Ok_Constant652 added, "Wow, adorable! Your daughter has put a lot of love into this to do. So lovely to see such a sweet family moment!"

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