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Dad fires back at school for shaming his daughter’s lunch choices with a bold lunchbox note

A dad from Wales took matters into his own hands and created a label for her lunchbox that sends a message of empowerment to his daughter and the school.

Dad fires back at school for shaming his daughter’s lunch choices with a bold lunchbox note
Cover Image Source: TikTok/teddyevascents

A dad from Wales, Ross Hunt, took to social media to share his frustration with his daughter’s school after they repeatedly made comments about her lunch choices. In a TikTok video, Hunt impersonates his daughter’s teachers and their disapproval of her “non-healthy” food. Hunt shared that the comments from the teachers had gotten so bad that his daughter, Isabelle, was reluctant to bring her lunch to school anymore. The situation had become so frustrating for Hunt that he decided to take matters into his own hands by creating a label for Isabelle’s lunchbox that read: “Welcome to Isabelle’s Lunch Box! We are aware of the contents of this box and are happy for her to eat whatever she wants.” The label also had an adorable photo of Isabelle pointing to the message.

Image Source: TikTok/teddyevascents
Image Source: TikTok/teddyevascents


In his video, Hunt shared that he had considered filling Isabelle’s lunchbox with only sweets as a petty response but decided against it as he knows how to feed his daughter a balanced meal. Hunt’s message is simple: 'Stop telling kids what they should and shouldn’t eat and let parents decide for themselves.'

In a follow-up video, Hunt showed exactly what was packed in Isabelle’s lunchbox, along with the food she ate and the things she didn’t touch. He revealed that Isabelle didn’t touch her rainbow drops, but it was because she was supposed to eat her carrots first. However, Isabelle claimed that her carrots had fallen on the floor, but she was too afraid to speak up to the dinner lady. She ate her sandwich, which contained more sugar than the rainbow drops and the majority of her apple but didn’t touch her pear, chips, or chocolate egg.

Image Source: TikTok/teddyevascents
Image Source: TikTok/teddyevascents


Hunt’s frustration with the school’s comments about his daughter’s food choices is understandable. As more and more children struggle with body image issues and eating disorders, the last thing they need is teachers and authoritative figures to comment on their food choices. According to Scary Mommy, children need to develop a healthy relationship with food that allows them to make their own choices and not feel ashamed or embarrassed about what they choose to eat.

It is pivotal that teachers and parents work together to create a healthy environment for children that allows them to make informed choices about what they eat. Instead of making comments about what children should and shouldn’t eat, teachers can work to educate children about the benefits of healthy eating and provide them with the tools they need to make informed choices. It’s also important for parents to talk to their children about healthy eating and to model healthy eating habits themselves.

Image Source:
Image Source: TikTok/teddyevascents


Hunt’s label for Isabelle’s lunchbox is a smart and funny way to put an end to the school’s comments about her food choices. The label not only sends a clear message to the school but also empowers Isabelle to make her own choices about what she wants to eat. Hopefully, the school will take notice and work to create a healthier environment for all students.

Furthermore, we must stop telling kids what they should and shouldn’t eat and allow them to make their own choices. Parents and teachers need to work together to create a healthy environment that allows children to make informed choices about what they eat without fear of judgment or shame. Hunt’s label for Isabelle’s lunchbox is a simple yet effective way to send a message to the school and empower Isabelle to make her own choices.

This article originally appeared 1 year ago.

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