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Dad pulls an Uno reverse after parents wouldn’t stop their boy from kicking his daughter’s seat

The dad and daughter were on a night-time flight and very tired when the incident with the unruly child occurred.

Dad pulls an Uno reverse after parents wouldn’t stop their boy from kicking his daughter’s seat
Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Pahis

Dealing with difficult fellow passengers on a flight can be tough, especially when you're tired and just want to relax. But sometimes, people find creative solutions to deal with such instances. In one such scenario, a dad found a smart way to deal with a boy who wouldn't stop kicking his 14-year-old daughter's seat on a flight. The girl, u/insertfunnyname06, took to Reddit to share the incident and many people appreciated the dad's quick thinking.

Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Peter Dazeley
Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Peter Dazeley

"This was a few years ago when my dad and I were on a flight back home from India. Behind us, there was a family of three, with their son behind me and the mum behind my dad," the girl recalled. "It was a nighttime flight and everyone was beat." The father and daughter were traveling through a small, budget airline that didn't offer much legroom. "About 10 minutes into the flight, the kid behind me starts kicking my seat," she shared. The boy was about nine or 10 years old. "I let my dad know and he politely asks him to stop and he does... for about 10 seconds. We tell him again (more firmly this time), but no luck," the teen revealed.

"This is where the revenge starts. My dad reclines his seat as much as he can and when they ask him to put it up, he doesn’t. They call the flight attendant and the (boy's) dad talks to him," the girl continued. "This man put his seat down, and my wife is uncomfortable," the other man complained. The flight attendant asked the girl's dad if he would like to keep the seat down and the dad simply said yes. "Well then, he can if he wants to. That’s not his problem. Have a nice flight," they informed the boy's father. The girl continued, "He walks away with the dad left spluttering and cursing under his breath." 

"The parents realized what happened and after a few harsh whispers, got the kid to stop kicking. But that didn’t stop them from glaring at me, my dad and the flight attendant who walked by. My dad did keep the seat down for another hour but got up once he was sure those parents learned their lesson," the girl concluded. People took to the comments section to express their opinions. u/NeatNefariousness1 wrote, "Hahaha. Your dad gets an A+ in petty revenge. Some people can't be reached unless they are directly impacted. As long as the kid was kicking someone else's seat, they couldn't be bothered. People like these and the little sociopath they are raising should be dropped off on their own deserted island."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Chris_El_Deafo
Image Source: Reddit | u/Chris_El_Deafo

u/tomkokotom commented, "To be fair, the flight attendant isn't wrong, a passenger can put his seat down to the max cause that's the bloody design. If I reclined my chair all the way and someone asked me to put it up slightly, then I would to a decently comfortable position, unless, of course, he/she acted like a jerk, so kudos to your dad." u/EastCoastEnthusiast remarked, "I never understood the whole 'it's rude to put your seat back on an airplane' Putting your seat back barely affects the people behind you."

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