The dad reads a mail from school, 'Drop off time for this year is 8:30. Students arriving at 8:32 will be marked late. No exceptions.'
In today's time, parents are more invested in a child's life, whether it's about their needs or what's happening in school. So when it is time for kids to return to school, they receive long emails from the school. They even have to check the schedule and manage everything else. It is very unlike what 90's parents who wanted their children to get their things done on their own had to go through as there was significantly less pressure from schools back then.
A TikTok user and dad @fitdadceo made a hilarious parody comparing today's parents to the '90s and it is absolutely relatable. Dave "FitDad" Ogleton can be seen asking his kid, "Did you ride your bike up to the school to see what teacher you got this year? Okay, well, when you do, make sure you grab the school supply list."
Then Ogleton switches to today's parents, who have their inboxes filled with school emails on everything from lists and rules to parent portal login details, etc.
The dad starts to read a parody email listing specific school supplies and all the logins to access the kid's school work. He reads, "Okay, welcome back. Your school supply lists include everything you already bought but in a different color. That's helpful. The supply list can be found in your ZableZoot account. Oh, and all students and parents got new logins and passwords for their ZableZoot accounts which can be found in your Zorkel app." He asks his partner, "Did we ever figure out which one that was?" and hears a no.
The dad then reads another email about pick-up and drop timings. "Drop off time for this year is 8:30," he reads. "Students arriving at 8:32 will be marked late. No exceptions." The TikTok user then jokes, "Great news... Spirit days are back and will be every other week, but feel like every day. The first day of school will be 'Wear your favorite salad dressing socks.'" He comes up with a perfect pun, "What in the Hellman is this?"
He continues, "If you forget, don't worry, your child will remind and berate you for forgetting when they get home. Welcome back."
The video is captioned, "It's coming parents... it's coming #backtoschool. What did I miss in the back-to-school emails?" The video went viral, gaining over 644.1k views and 71.6k likes on TikTok.
Parents on the platform could completely resonate with what the dad shared. @kristannichole commented, "Don't forget: 'Along with all the other apps, we will be adding a new one to make communication easier.'" @kenyahartsell4 wrote, "The login was provided to your scholar on the final day of the previous school year. New students, please request a login from the president." @bigmamafoots shared, '"Our first fundraiser starts on the 2nd day of school.'" @terennasaurus_rex said, "Drop off at 8:30, late at 8:32, but DO NOT arrive early." @misracarrigan expressed, "WE HAVE 4 APPS. And why is there a back-to-school event every day for 2 weeks??!"
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