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Dad makes a powerful speech for the safety of transgender children in schools: 'Will they be safe'

The father emphasized the need for the school board to prioritize the safety and well-being of transgender students, regardless of their differences or the prevailing politics and rhetoric.

Dad makes a powerful speech for the safety of transgender children in schools: 'Will they be safe'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @thedudetrader

Transgender children face unique struggles as they navigate their identity in a society that often lacks understanding and support. They often face challenges such as social isolation, discrimination, bullying, and a lack of acceptance from family, peers, and institutions. Access to appropriate healthcare, including gender-affirming treatments, can also be limited. 

At the May 9, 2023 board meeting of the Virginia Beach City Public Schools, a significant number of students and parents passionately expressed their views on the state's guidelines concerning transgender students. A TikTok video capturing the impactful speech of a parent about his transgender child went viral, resonating with viewers and garnering widespread attention.

Image Source: TikTok/ @thedudetrader
Image Source: TikTok | @thedudetrader

He says, "I'm a father of a trans child in Virginia Beach schools. And while so many people who do not even know her seem to be obsessed with her genitals. She's just a kid and she's much more concerned with trying to make friends, playing video games, and how much she dislikes English class."

He goes on to explain how he feels about sending his child out into the world. "Every day I send her out into a world where many do not understand her and some as you have seen in this very room have no regard for her life and I send her to Virginia Beach schools," the dad says in the video.

Image Source: TikTok/ @thedudetrader
Image Source: TikTok | @thedudetrader

"What I need to know, what you students need to know is are you going to make decisions to keep them safe and not just the ones you understand, not just the ones that share your same beliefs and all of them. And will they be safe to be themselves, or will you stir up fear and outrage against them? Will they wander your halls hidden, isolated, and afraid? When I give you that most sacred trust of putting my child in your care despite our differences, despite the politics and the rhetoric."

He asks the school board, "Can you look me in the eyes, one human being to another, and tell me that you will keep my child safe for me? And if you can not, you don't belong up there on that dias. Thank you."

Image Source: TikTok/ @thedudetrader
Image Source: TikTok | @thedudetrader

The video resonated with many and users have found the father's speech impressive. commented, "Bro, that speech was more succinct and cleverly put than any politician I’ve ever heard! A few words but in-depth meaning!!" @positivevibe5555 wrote, "When you vote, you show us who you are. There it is plain and simple." @pamelaannepugh01 expressed, "WOW, this man should be ON that school board and in his community government. Perfect speech, sir!"

@mamajules.66 shared, "Wow, that was amazing! Every word was 100% true. He kept his cool, well done, sir." @mcfarlanecrew commented, "Wish I could hug you! You are an amazing father and protector. So well said!"

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok | @thedudetrader

According to WTKR, board member Jessica Owens introduced a resolution for Virginia Beach School to commit to eliminating discrimination against LGBTQ+ students in schools. The resolution goes against Governor Glenn Youngskin's policy on transgender students in schools. 


In February, students in Virginia were protesting against the proposed transgender policy from the Virginia Department of Education, as reported by ABC News. The policy reportedly would ban trans students from using bathrooms that align with their gender identity and would need parents to approve name or pronoun changes. Moreover, parents would also be "fully informed" by school personnel about a child's well-being, including their "health, and social and psychological development."

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