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Dad gets expelled from the plane after harassing passenger to switch seats with him

Compelling the passenger to switch seats so that he could sit with his kids, the dad created a ruckus on the flight.

Dad gets expelled from the plane after harassing passenger to switch seats with him
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @nickfromohio

Despite offering the quickest mode of transit, flight travel often comes with a plethora of hassles. From long waits in security checks to annoying co-passengers, flying by plane can be a bit exasperating. Several stories of bad flight experiences have made it to the internet. Recently, Nick—who goes by @nickfromohio on TikTok—shared one such frustrating experience he had while on an early morning flight. The man was constantly pestered by a dad who wanted to switch seats so that he could sit next to his kids. Things spiraled down and soon the dad had to be escorted out of the plane by security.

Image Source: TikTok | @nickfromohio
Image Source: TikTok | @nickfromohio

Nick started his video by saying, "If somebody ever wants to switch seats with you on an airplane, please just say, 'No, thank you,' and save yourself trouble because these people don't have good intentions." It all started when Nick boarded a plane and sat on his window-side seat on the 20th row. When the exhausted man was about to fall asleep, someone tapped on his shoulder. It was a dad asking Nick to switch seats with him in the 7th row so that he could sit next to his two sons. The dad even tried convincing Nick that he could get off the plane quickly since he was in the 7th row and said, "It's going to save you a lot of time on your trip. It's no big deal." Since Nick was too tired to get off his seat, he conveyed that he didn't want to switch.

Image Source: TikTok | @nickfromohio
Image Source: TikTok | @nickfromohio

However, when the dad kept compelling him to move, Nick became suspicious that there weren't any little kids next to him. "You're not going to let a father sit next to his kids?" the dad questioned Nick. However, Nick refused to move and suspected that the "kids," the dad was talking about might be older. So, the dad went to the front of the plane momentarily and came back with his "kids." Turns out, they were almost as old as Nick was. When he questioned why such older kids needed to sit next to their dad, they got furious. "Why don't you understand that we want to sit together?" the sons said. Nick was in disbelief that he was "berated for sitting in his own seat." This commotion caused the flight attendant to approach Nick's seat.

Image Source: TikTok | @nickfromohio
Image Source: TikTok | @nickfromohio

In a shocking twist, the dad complained to the flight attendant that Nick was the one in the wrong seat and that he had stolen his ticket. This false accusation infuriated Nick who in turn revealed the truth behind this ruckus to the flight attendant. Knowing that Nick wouldn't move, the dad became aggressive, yelling and calling him names. Even after the flight attendant escorted him to his seat, the dad furiously charged at Nick and was close to an attack. In the end, his aggressive behavior was rewarded with an expulsion from the plane. While Nick was moved to a first-class seat, the two sons had to fly without their furious dad. "If you want to go on a trip, just plan it better," Nick said in the end.

Image Source: TikTok | @nanmar613
Image Source: TikTok | @nanmar613
Image Source: TikTok | @ileweirdo
Image Source: TikTok | @ileweirdo
Image Source: TikTok | @aluna0701
Image Source: TikTok | @aluna0701

The video garnered over 3.7 million views and 6800 comments. People sided with Nick for not giving up his seat. "Flight attendant here. Don’t switch seats. They can talk to the gate agent before boarding," said @bodacious_bobo. "Pet Peeve: I hate when people say 'It's not a big deal,' while making a big deal to get their way," pointed out @nawlinscajun88. "At some point, you got to just put your headphones on and ignore everyone after the flight attendant confirmed it was your seat," suggested @ecocyberfem.

You can follow Rants From The Shower (@nickfromohio) on TikTok for more relatable lifestyle content.

This article originally appeared 3 months ago.

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