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Dad finds adorable note in daughter's backpack and it's melting hearts on the internet

It was a worksheet from school asking the kids all about their dad and this 4-year-old had some interestingly cute answers.

Dad finds adorable note in daughter's backpack and it's melting hearts on the internet
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Olia Danilevich, Reddit | u/Hungdismembered

It may seem like little kids don't fully understand what's happening around them, but they often notice more than we think about their family, friends, and surroundings. These tiny observers have big feelings and emotions too. The right questions can make them open up, and a perfect example is this 4-year-old girl's responses to questions about her dad. When her dad, u/Hungdismembered, shared a picture of his daughter's worksheet from school on Reddit, it quickly gained traction, with hundreds of users finding it adorable.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studios
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studios

"Just found this in my daughter's backpack," the dad mentioned in the title and below was the image of his daughter, Josie's worksheet. The kid was asked to tell "all about her dad," and her innocent answers were simply cute. As per the little girl, her dad was 4 years old, his favorite food was broccoli and his favorite drink was Kool-aid. She believed that her dad's favorite thing to do was "play with her." Josie had mentioned that her dad was "good at," making her breakfast and the one thing that he always told her was, "Clean up your mess." Finally, for the question "I love my dad because," Josie replied, "I love him so much."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Hungdismembered
Image Source: Reddit | u/Hungdismembered

For many commending the little one for her great handwriting, the dad pointed out in a comment, "Sorry, should mention she is 4 and not quite there yet with the handwriting. The teacher wrote this for her and just asked her the questions." When u/Silly-Jellyfish-3518 jokingly asked, "Are you for real 4 years old?" the dad replied sarcastically, "To be fair, I’m almost 5!" Also speaking about his daughter's perception of his favorite food, the dad hilariously explained in a comment, "I do like broccoli but she should know it’s pizza, I’m going to have a talk with her."

Image Source: Reddit | u/mrgxpop
Image Source: Reddit | u/mrgxpop


Image Source: Reddit | u/sarilysims
Image Source: Reddit | u/sarilysims
Image Source: Reddit | u/RoughPotato1898
Image Source: Reddit | u/RoughPotato1898

"My kid wrote that I was 'very old' years old. And when asked what I was good at, she wrote, 'Umm very good at laundry stuff,' and she loved me because 'I'm cute,'" said u/remaincalm88. "I mean she's not wrong. Her dad did become 'father' when she was born so technically dad is the same age as hers," quipped u/No-Tip1830. "About once a year, I pull out the ones my children did. It's a warm hug of love to reread every time. For over a decade. Makes them giggle too," added u/IntentionalSunshine. "I’m a daycare teacher and I absolutely love doing these with my kids! About half of them think their parents’ names are mommy/daddy. It’s adorable," chimed in u/mackelmoyeR.


On a similar note, another dad shared an adorable note his 8-year-old wrote for him after reading his thesis. Adam Phillippy (@aphillippy) posted his daughter's note on X with the caption, "My 8yo came across my bound thesis in the basement, 'read' it, and spontaneously wrote me this note. I will now be listing her as a suggested reviewer for all my manuscript submissions." The little girl wrote that she was "very amazed," by her dad's thesis and was surprised at his four-year-long effort. "I'm sure it took a lot of hard work. I found lots of things about the Genome Sequence. I also like learning about what you studied and were interested in. A lot of things made me say 'awesome.' Your younger daughter, Hannah," the note read.

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