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Dad documents two little girls yelling compliments at strangers, and it's hilarious

The two girls spend their day hurling compliments at passerbys and they had absolutely no filter on them.

Dad documents two little girls yelling compliments at strangers, and it's hilarious

Editor's note: This article was originally published on May 26, 2021. It has since been updated.

Having someone scream at you as you pass by them on the street is never a good feeling. Well, if you were being shouted at while passing the house of kids' musician Bret Turner's house, it might actually be the highlight of your day. Turner, who's also a writer, and teacher, posted on Twitter about his 5-year-old daughter and her friend shouting compliments at strangers. Yes, you heard that right. Compliments. They didn't have any other way to do it though. It was during the pandemic and the kids wanted to spread some joy and decided to compliment strangers to pass time. They had to maintain an appropriate social distance of 6 feet, so it meant they had to scream compliments at those who passed by and it's the most wholesome thing ever. 

The two girls sat 6 feet apart themselves on the front porch of Turner's house and then started shouting uplifting things at strangers. Kids having no filter, meant they said the most outrageous and random things. Turner was at hand to document all of the compliments which he then posted online, creating one of the adorable threads. They complimented everything from people's hair, face, t-shirt, dog. They even sneaked in a compliment for themselves, with one of them shouting, “Your dog’s face is almost as cute as my face from when I was a baby!” During a time when the country has been facing a health and financial crisis, we need more people like those two girls. After shouting compliments for a while, they got bored and started saying the most random things to strangers, which were just as hilarious, "THIS POPSICLE IS FROM MY MOM AND DAD! MY BROTHER HAS A POPSICLE TOO, DID YOU ALSO WISH YOU HAD ONE? BECAUSE I CAN'T SHARE IT" his daughter shouted at a person. 






Some didn't quite feel like a compliment but when you hear kids scream it at you in such an uplifting voice, it doesn't really matter.




Twitter absolutely loved them, with one even asking if they could borrow them. 








I'd absolutely pay to have these wholesome kids shout at me.

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