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'Non-strict dad' responds to daughter's hypothetical scenarios in the most 'excellent parent' way

When asked what he'd do if she skipped class and the principal found out, he shook his head and said, 'School, it's not that important.'

'Non-strict dad' responds to daughter's hypothetical scenarios in the most 'excellent parent' way
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @abby.spamm84

There is no one guide or rule book for parenting, leading to a variety of different parenting styles. Some parents are authoritative, some pampering and a few others try to balance it somewhere in the middle. Irrespective of style, we know that it's not an easy job. One dad, however, seems to have found that balance and the internet is praising him for "getting it right."

On August 6, 17-year-old Abby Moxon (abby.spamm84) interviewed her "non-strict dad" and quizzed him with hypothetically problematic scenarios she might land herself in and asked how he'd deal with them. His responses were a perfect balance of laid-back and protective. The sit-down video procured 2.4 million views. The text overlay on the video read, "Asking my non-strict dad hypothetical questions" to which her dad began with questioning "non-strict dad?"

Image Source: TikTok | @abby.spamm84
Image Source: TikTok | @abby.spamm84

She begins by asking, "What would you do if I got a C or lower in a class?" "Oh, as long as you tried your hardest, that's fine," he replies, immediately showing off their free-flowing relationship filled with mutual respect. Abby throws another scenario: "Okay, what if I snuck out and went to a party and you found out the next morning?" He replies with the most relaxed face, "We would talk about it, but it'd be fine."

His answers show that he treats her as an individual human being that she is. He said he didn't mind if she got piercings and tattoos because it was "your body," and that he would be annoyed if she turned off her phone location, but only because it meant he couldn't help her if she needed him. When asked what he'd do if she skipped class and the principal found out, he shook his head and said, "School, it's not that important." When asked what he'd do if she cursed him out during an argument, he said he'd cuss her right back, and if her car was towed and the bill was $900, he'd tell her to pay it herself.

Image Source: TikTok | @abby.spamm84
Image Source: TikTok | @abby.spamm84

Abby's dad seems to have gained a few good fans. "His genuine confusion on why some of these were even questions warmed my heart," commented @armoredlemur69. "'Non-strict dad' more like 'dad built on respect and trust.' Real king," added @jay_bdd. "This dad is awesome some of us dads can learn from his answers," wrote @dioncauthen.

Another TikTok user, Jon (@wholeparent), who describes himself as a "parenting educator" on TikTok, duetted and re-shared the video with additional captions. He noted that their relationship dynamic centered more on collaboration than control and claimed in his text overlay that this was an example of "excellent parenting." Jon even wrote at the end of the video, "You think this girl ever thinks twice about calling for help? Nope. This is GOALS," he says, implying that some other parents should take notes.

Image Source: TikTok | @wholeparent
Image Source: TikTok | @wholeparent

When children are not allowed to explore, make decisions for themselves, and learn how to be responsible on their own, they are more likely to rebel and do the things they are told not to do in the first place. Abby appears to share a relationship with her father that has made her capable of understanding what she is responsible for and learning right from wrong.

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