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Dad bought birth control for his teen daughters and people can't get over how wholesome it is

J.J. Murphy is a retired military officer and had missed many milestones of his children and is now working to spend time and earn their trust.

Dad bought birth control for his teen daughters and people can't get over how wholesome it is
Image source: TikTok/

Editor's note: This article was originally published on April 28, 2022. It has since been updated.

As much as parents should be involved and teach their kids about sexual health and wellness, most parents don't. Even in cases when parents do guide their kids, it's almost always women who help them. Men often consider topics such as contraception to be taboo which is in no way healthy. One dad is carving out his own path for getting his teenage daughters' birth control. The video starts with J.J. Murphy holding a paper bag with two of his daughters, Emma and Ryan, sitting on either side of the table. "To my two teenage daughters, this is my first receipt of birth control for you two," he starts, reported Buzzfeed. "And, apparently, there's a difference in what the doctors think sexual activity from a 17- and an 18-year-old [look like]." 


He then takes out a pack of birth control from the paper bag and hands it to his younger daughter. "So, here's your birth control. Good luck, I wish you well." He then dramatically takes out a large plastic bag of birth control and hands it to his other daughter and jokes, "And, hello, do you guys wanna tell dad something...?" The video garnered more than 12.3 million views and 2 million likes. The video was shared by Emma Murphy who captioned it: "Easily one of the most embarrassing moments of life." 


Murphy has five daughters and decided to get birth control for Emma and Ryan after the former wanted to start birth control before leaving for college. "I wanted my body to have time to get used to the side effects," said Emma. "I told him that we might as well put Ryan on it at the same time. It was a mutual agreement for the most part, and my dad gave us his support." Emma added that they had also spoken to their doctors to decide on the best options to use birth control.


Murphy said he was keen on building a relationship based on trust with his daughters, especially after having missed out on important events in their lives while serving as a military officer. "When I am with them, it is important for me to establish a trusting relationship. As the only man in the house, I want to be protective of them while also being open about sex, pregnancy prevention, and sexual health. I want them to know that I am open to whomever they bring home as long as they are treated respectfully," said J.J.


Emma and Ryan are thankful for having such a supportive Dad. "We appreciate our dad being understanding about how this is a great and safe decision. Being open with this topic makes other topics more and more comfortable to talk about with my family, and it’s important, especially because family is everything," Emma said. Murphy is okay with his daughters' choices as long as they are in safe relationships. "I am so proud of my girls, some of whom have dated in and out of their gender and race," he said. When asked if he had any advice to give other Dads, he said it's important to maintain a healthy dialogue on sex and contraception because their kids will need to trust them. He believes kids won't hesitate to speak to their parents about abuse, rape, depression, or substance abuse if parents maintain a healthy dialogue with them.  


Users lauded the father for being sex-positive. "You are both SO lucky to have this man as your dad," wrote one person. Another added, "This dad is the real MVP. I would’ve loved to have had a dad like that!" One person commented, "My favorite part is how they clearly have a relationship where this isn’t hurtful to her. She gets that it’s funny as hell. Haha. Wholesome content!"

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