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Cute dad-daughter duo gives the most adorable answer when asked what it’s like to dream while deaf

Kylie and her Dad, TJ, aim to normalize deafness and hearing loss, and often sparks conversations on related topics.

Cute dad-daughter duo gives the most adorable answer when asked what it’s like to dream while deaf
Image source: TikTok/@cargo_shorts_dad

A little girl named Kylie, who's deaf, has become quite the TikTok star. She features in all the videos posted by her Dad TJ, and they aim to normalize deafness and hearing loss. Kylie is incredibly adorable and equally sassy, and the pair has over 3.8 million followers on TikTok. Many videos feature a Q&A format where people ask doubts to Kylie or TJ on being deaf and they answer the same, raising awareness on hearing loss. Once she's done answering questions, Kylie ends the videos by saying 'byeeeeeee,' which has become her signature style. Some of the topics covered include whether Kylie's loved ones and friends can speak ASL to communicate with her and what a cochlear implant feels like, reported InspireMore.



In a video that's going viral, TJ is asked, “Does Kylie hear in her dreams?” TJ has no clue so he decides to ask Kylie, who's the go-to authority on everything in their TikTok account. When asked, she signs, "No. I’m deaf all the time.” She then dramatically pauses, before continuing, "Buttt. Everyone knows sign in my dreams.” She then casually concludes, “Yeah, that’s cool,” before signing off in style, “Byeeeee!” The adorable video went viral, and has been viewed close to 12 million times and liked by 2.3 million people. 





People found it beautiful that everyone in Kylie's dreams signed. One person wrote, "'Everyone knows sign in my dreams...' Man that really choked me up." TJ responded, "We have heard everyone is different but how cool is it that everyone knows sign in her dreams?" Another person chimed in, "My mom is blind and the only time she can see is when she sleeps, so she loves to sleep so she can see again." Another person added, "I'm a wheelchair user of 9 years and somehow, I am NEVER in my chair in my dreams. It's so bizarre." 





Kylie inspired many to learn ASL so those who are deaf and with hearing loss can feel like they're in a dream where everyone knows to sign. "That makes me kinda sad that only in her dreams she can communicate with everyone. I think I'm going to learn ASL. Can you imagine what a person who is deaf or hard of hearing would feel if more people learned it as well? How cool would that be? She's adorable btw." One TikTok user opined that ASL should be taught in school from preschool onwards. 



In a separate video, TJ reveals that Kylie actually signs in her sleep. "It was so funny the first time we saw her having a full-on conversation," said TJ. A TikTok user chimed in with their own personal experience. "My husband is deaf and many times, I walk in on him 'talking to himself.' Instead, he's signing to himself. It's pretty entertaining," they wrote. In another video, Kylie was asked if she ever wished she wasn't deaf, and she spontaneously responds, "Nope, I love being deaf." TJ responds, "And I don't want to change you. You are perfect." Kylie thanks her Dad before signing off in her signature style. TJ added in the comments, "Kylie is proud to be deaf and we are proud to be part of the deaf community." 





Another popular video of the pair is Kylie responding to the question if she can hear music. "I feel the music," she says, before adding that she listens to it loud. She then asks her Dad to turn up the volume in the car. 'Butter' by BTS starts playing and she immediately catches on, singing along in sign." TJ wrote in the comments, "Kylie loves music with any good beat and can feel it with the bass, and she gets her dance moves from Mommy."




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