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Restaurant server shares 'rare occurrence' when customers took accountability for being rude to them

The incident 'restored' the server's faith in humanity because it's an unusual sight to see customers in restaurants apologizing when they mess up.

Restaurant server shares 'rare occurrence' when customers took accountability for being rude to them
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Dmitry Zvolskiy; (R) Reddit | u/Recent-Sun3981

In the hustle and bustle of the restaurant industry, servers often find themselves at the mercy of busy shifts, demanding customers and the occasional rude behavior. It is a rare occurrence when something happens that "restores" their faith in humanity. Such an incident unfolded recently, as shared by u/Recent-Sun3981. This heartwarming tale showcases the transformation of a potentially unpleasant encounter into a delightful one, all because the customers took accountability for their initial rudeness.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes

Amid a chaotic rush hour, the server was juggling multiple tasks. Seated with a four-top of tourists, they were already feeling the pressure, trying to balance boxing up one table, attending to another and delivering entrees. Despite the overwhelming circumstances, the server managed to find a brief moment to greet the incoming customers and introduce themselves. However, things took an unexpected turn. The tourists, engrossed in their own conversation, seemingly disregarded their server's presence. They made eye contact but promptly resumed their discussion, ignoring the initial greeting.

As the server acknowledged, "They still looked right at me/made eye contact while I gave them my name and dropped some coasters on their table." Understandably, the server was too occupied and agitated to linger at the table, hoping for acknowledgment or willingness to interrupt their conversation. Instead, they decided to address their other pressing responsibilities and assisted their existing tables.

Approximately ten minutes later, frustration surfaced among the tourists. They angrily flagged down a host and inquired about the delay in being greeted. It prompted the server to approach the table, initially bracing for a confrontation. However, one of the tourists quietly mentioned that they had been greeted – a detail evidenced by the presence of coasters on their table. As they acknowledged this, the tourists asked, "Did we ignore you?" The server was unsure of the customers' intentions, fearing they might react with rudeness, but responded politely, "Yes, I figured you guys might've needed a couple of minutes to get settled, so I went to help my other tables."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Batuhan Kocabaş
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Batuhan Kocabaş

What transpired next was nothing short of remarkable. Instead of directing blame towards the server, the tourists did something rare – they apologized. Their demeanor swiftly shifted from anger to remorse and the server could hardly believe the change in attitude. Witnessing accountability from customers was indeed a rarity. It was an encounter that transformed the server's disposition.

Image Source: Reddit | u/girlsledisko
Image Source: Reddit | u/girlsledisko

With newfound civility, they took the tourists' drink orders, answered their questions and offered recommendations. In return for the tourists' changed behavior, the server gave their all to providing excellent service. The effort paid off, as the customers left a generous tip of 30%. As the server put it, "They ended up tipping me 30%." Reflecting on this experience, the server expressed that more guests would take responsibility for their behavior. It was a heartwarming reminder that being polite and considerate can lead to a positive dining experience for all parties involved.

Image Source: Reddit | u/IntroductionSea730
Image Source: Reddit | u/IntroductionSea730

The post received positive feedback from fellow Reddit users. u/sybann expressed their disbelief at the initial behavior and said, "Anyone I'd be out with would never ignore a server in the first place! People, for heaven's sake, it takes so little to be a decent human. Really."

Image Source: Reddit | u/curiousityandtruth
Image Source: Reddit | u/curiousityandtruth

Another comment by u/Smart_Measurement_70 applauded the incident and said, "That's awesome!!! My favorite event is when people take accountability and adjust accordingly. That must've felt great to see. I'm happy for you." All things said and done, servers and customers alike can learn from this inspiring story, fostering a more respectful and enjoyable dining experience for all.

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