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Customer explains how inflation is wiping out 'cheap options' and people find it too relevant

From fast food to make-up products, once inexpensive things have now begun to fall close to the expensive range, says the woman.

Customer explains how inflation is wiping out 'cheap options' and people find it too relevant
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @krystalclear013

What was once an affordable lifestyle in many parts of the world has now become a luxury. Even the necessities have now become extravagant spending. Many who earn six figures express their disappointment over how they struggle to make ends meet. Recently, TikTok content creator KrystalClear posted a video on how "inflation is eliminating the 'cheap option'," and it gained traction. She expressed her disbelief over how there are no more cheap options to buy from and how the economic situation has changed drastically in just a few years. This video resonated with many on the platform.

Image Source: TikTok | @krystalclear013
Image Source: TikTok | @krystalclear013

As a customer, the woman couldn't fathom the rise in prices. She began with the question, "Have you noticed that the prices of cheaper things are rising a lot faster than the prices of expensive things?" She emphasized how she had noticed this surge in costs in various industries. For instance, she explained an instance of how restaurants are now not so budget-friendly. Speaking about two pasta places that she loved to go to in her neighborhood, she said that there was one normal place and one expensive place that suited special occasions. Around five years ago, the regular, non-expensive place used to charge $12-$15 for entrees which was quite low compared to the fancy place which charged around $30. But recently she noticed that the non-expensive place had increased the prices to $22-$24 which is barely $7 lower than the fancy place.

Image Source: TikTok | @krystalclear013
Image Source: TikTok | @krystalclear013

The customer pointed out how going to the nicer restaurant that costs just a few dollars more would give us better food and experience than paying more in a regular restaurant. She then touched upon the example of make-up products. The mascara that she always bought at a sale price of $6.49 has now risen to $15, which was almost closer to the expensive options. If she spent a few dollars more, she could get a product from considerably expensive brands like Sephora that lasts longer and has better quality. The next thing she found to have significantly become expensive is fast food. People can now buy take-out from restaurants for the same price they get fast food take-outs which were supposed to be cheaper. 

Image Source: TikTok | @krystalclear013
Image Source: TikTok | @krystalclear013

"The cheap option essentially doesn’t exist," the customer said and added, "The expensive option is actually the option that makes more sense. It’s a better deal for people who can afford to just go up the few dollars." She captioned the video, "Remember 5 years ago when you could get a meal for $10? I feel like an old Granby saying back in my day but this has seriously exploded so fast." With more than 340K views, the video felt relatable to many others on the internet. 

Image Source: TikTok | @annagraceaverett
Image Source: TikTok | @annagraceaverett
Image Source: TikTok | @forthegirls2001
Image Source: TikTok | @forthegirls2001
Image Source: TikTok | @cap.kirk
Image Source: TikTok | @cap.kirk

"Fast food places are crazy too and brunch places are expensive. $8 for coffee like hello? I can’t anymore," commented @celestialbabee. "It’s become the better option for me to shop at Whole Foods than a regular grocery. The food is way better quality and about 10% more expensive at Whole Foods. That 10% is an investment in my health," wrote @aerialjunkie. "Elf makeup is a great example. Their entire line was $1-$2 now it’s $6-$10 per item!" commented @savannahrae63.

@krystalclear013 Remember 5 years ago when yoh could get a meal for $10??? I feel like an old granby saying back in my day but this has seriously exploded so fast. #costoflivingcrisis #capitalism #inflation ♬ Summer party (20 seconds) - TimTaj


You can follow KrystalClear (@krystalclear013) on TikTok for more content on books, capitalism, and feminine rage.

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