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Couple’s wholesome gesture for old lady dining alone in restaurant proves ‘kindness goes a long way’

As soon as the couple spotted the woman eating alone at the restaurant, the spark of kindness immediately lit up and ignited the experience of a lifetime.

Couple’s wholesome gesture for old lady dining alone in restaurant proves ‘kindness goes a long way’
Cover Image Source: Facebook | The Kindness Pandemic

It is thrilling how even the tiniest dose of kindness goes a long way in making someone’s day, or even life. A woman, Debra Lynn Fugate, shared a post on Facebook, where she expressed how she was awestruck by the results of her kindness towards an old lady. She shared the post on a group titled Kindness Pandemic Forum on Facebook and garnered praise for her wholesome gesture. The woman explained that she was having dinner with her husband at a restaurant and spotted an elderly lady. 

Image Source: Facebook| The Kindness Pandemic
Image Source: Facebook| The Kindness Pandemic

“So, my husband and I went to the Chinese restaurant to eat and a little old lady came in and was going to eat by herself.” While it’s easy for people to ignore the sight and carry on with their well-planned meals, Fugate and her husband thought otherwise. A heartwarming idea came to their mind. “Well, my husband said that she shouldn’t eat by herself. I said, ‘Well when she gets back from getting her food, ask her if she’d like to join us while eating!’” The couple waited for the woman and sure enough, extended their company to the woman.

Image Source: Facebook| The Kindness Pandemic
Image Source: Facebook| The Kindness Pandemic

The woman delightedly obliged and joined the couple. However, Fugate mentioned that there was more than just a feeling of happiness for keeping an old lady company. She mentioned that she felt a personal connection and was able to converse with the woman in a wholesome way. “We talked as if we had known each other our whole lives,” Fugate shared. She also added that the woman’s name was Linda, which coincidentally happened to be her grandmother’s name. “She also resembled her a whole lot,” Fugate added. They offered to pay for her meal and made the gesture special by exchanging numbers.

There was no doubt that the couple sure enjoyed their time with Linda. For Fugate, to see a glimpse of her grandmother in the elderly woman must have meant a lot. “Folks, just a friendly reminder that a little bit of kindness goes a long way for some people! God bless and y’all have a wonderful rest of your day!” she concluded her post and one couldn’t agree more. The joy of sharing time and care with someone and making them smile out of the blue leaves one with one of the most beautiful feelings worth treasuring.

Image Source: Facebook| The Kindness Pandemic
Image Source: Facebook | The Kindness Pandemic

Several people were boosted by the couple’s gesture and applauded them for their affection and warmth towards the old woman. Linda Fisk Nuner said, “That was a lovely thing to do and it brought so much joy to all of you.” Martyna Leach remarked, “You both just made this lady's day. Not forgetting how much everyone gets out of nice human interaction. This made me feel less afraid of getting old.” Keith Moore said, “Fantastic gesture doesn’t happen very often these days. I’ve only ever got one elderly couple the other day at a rest stop. It’s sad how people don’t bother to ask anymore and how life has changed, not for the better.”

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