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Couple sent wedding invite asking guests to choose chicken or fish but served instant ramen instead

Though the wedding guests didn't want to judge the couple, they were taken aback to see such a minimal dinner arrangement.

Couple sent wedding invite asking guests to choose chicken or fish but served instant ramen instead
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Tara Winstead, Reddit | u/SometimeTaken

It's one thing to have a cost-effective wedding but to deceive your guests while trying to save money is not quite agreeable. Times have changed and not every woman dreams of having a fairytale wedding, especially due to the surging costs. However, it's unusual to give your wedding guests the hope of a good meal and then serve them inexpensive instant noodles. That was the case for a wedding guest u/SometimeTaken who attended their partner's childhood best friend's wedding. The wedding invite allowed the guests to pick their choice of meat but eventually, there was nothing but ramen served on the day of the wedding.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Leeloo the first
Save the dates for a wedding (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Leeloo the first)

The wedding guest began her post by saying that she was too excited when she received the wedding invite. "The wedding invite specifically stated 'formal' dress, so we dressed to the gills," she pointed out. In what would be considered a thoughtful gesture, the soon-to-be-wed couple also wanted to know the meal preferences of their guests. "I also remembered that on the wedding invitation, we were asked whether we’d prefer chicken or fish - we both chose chicken." Seeing the choices of meat, it is natural for one to hope that they would be served dishes made of their preferred meat. However, only instant ramen awaited them.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Syed Muhammad Afifi
A bowl of ramen (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Syed Muhammad Afifi)

"On the day of the wedding, we met ourselves with a self-serve instant ramen bar. Just instant ramen, cubed ham, some little vegetables here and there and kids-sized chips bags," the guest explained. Another shocking part was that they never served drinks either. It was "BYOB," meaning, the guests had to bring their own booze. "We reserved judgment as our first instinct was that the bride and groom must be down on their luck. Turns out, nope. They’re both well underway into their careers, (the bride-to-be is a professional chef - isn’t that ironic?) they own their home and for their honeymoon, they’re jetting off to Cuba," she said. Having no other choice, the wedding guest and her partner starved during the reception and had to buy fast food later.

"I’ve been to a lot of weddings. I’m not a snob by any means. But that wedding is the tackiest one I’ve ever attended," she mentioned in the now-deleted post. When u/brownchestnut doubtfully asked, "Is there a chance something went wrong with their catering and they had to scramble to find something to feed their guests?" the wedding guest replied, "You would think! But no, it turns out they held a meal for a separate group of people but shafted the other guests. It wasn’t alerted to the guests or apologized for either." Despite this weird experience, the guest didn't wish for her online criticism to hurt the couple's feelings.

Image Source: Reddit | u/bigal55
Image Source: Reddit | u/bigal55
Image Source: Reddit | u/Bubble_Analyst_3197
Image Source: Reddit | u/Bubble_Analyst_3197

The post blew up and hundreds of comments poured in pointing out the couple's lousy treatment of the guests. "Yikes! I’ve seen weddings where instant ramen was the late-night snack (which sounds so good) but serving that as the main meal while making your guests dress formally is such a bad look, how rude," said u/floppypuppyears. "I would have chowed down on so much ramen. I also would have done my best to make sure I was in every picture I could be. Slurping ramen. Tacky," quipped u/Maleficent_Wash_934. "My main focus for my reception was good food. It’s a celebration meal, it should be a good one. I can’t understand people who skimp on the meal, it’s the thing that people talk about the most afterward," added u/LBelle0101.

This article originally appeared 2 months ago.

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