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Couple married for 35 years shares their unexpected first meeting with the world

A couple, while walking the streets of New York, shared their adorable meet-cute moment on British television.

Couple married for 35 years shares their unexpected first meeting with the world
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @meetcutesnyc

Love, if done right, is the most beautiful feeling in the world to experience. Even though the perils of the modern dating world make it hard for people to hold on to faith in the fact that they will get their soulmate, stories like that of Alex and Sue give hope. For years, the couple and their story have been proving that one should never close their doors on love, as it can creep in from anywhere, even if it is before millions of people. Though the couple is very popular in the UK, they are less known in America; therefore, when they were approached by Meet Cutes NYC—who goes by @meetcutesnyc on TikTok—the correspondent was shocked upon hearing about their first meeting.

Image Source: TikTok/@meetcutesnyc
Image Source: TikTok | @meetcutesnyc

Meet Cutes NYC, through their platform, brings stories of couples, essentially about how they first met. These couples are approached on the streets of New York to talk about how they felt when they laid eyes on each other for the first time. Alex and Sue were going about their way when a correspondent from the platform approached them and asked, "Are you two a couple?" After getting an affirmative answer from them, the correspondent requested them to share the story of their first meeting.

Image Source: TikTok/@meetcutesnyc
Image Source: TikTok | @meetcutesnyc

Alex extended his hand to Sue, who was walking with a cane and started the story. He said, "We met on television." This obviously took aback the reporter, who could not believe that he was in the presence of a "showmance." The reporter then inquired about the TV show. Alex answered, "It was called Blind Date." Sue, during the answer, talked about Cilla Black referring to the iconic host of the show, which went on for five years and was based around setting people on blind dates. Alex went on, "You can look us up on YouTube." Their first meet video is pretty popular on YouTube as it was the first success story from the show. Alex went on to say how the couple had a televised wedding watched by 17.5 million people.


Alex believes that there was some fate in play. He shares, "I mean, let's face it, I could have picked from No. 1 and No. 3. She was No. 2." They had a barrier between them and just by hearing some answers to the questions he prepared, Alex picked Susan and the rest was history. They have been together for 35 years. The correspondent asked Alex, "What is your favorite thing about her?" He compliments her, saying that even after 35 years, she is as beautiful as she was the first day they laid eyes on each other. Susan answered, "He is so kind and he makes me laugh all the time!"


Considering the circumstances in which they first met, the correspondent asked them for advice to give to couples who have just met on blind dates. Susan advises them to approach the situation with an open heart. Alex drew from his own experience and emphasized the importance of friendship and respecting each other. He finishes by advising people to look up 'Blind Date Wedding' on YouTube.

Image Source: TikTok/@gi.emme9
Image Source: TikTok | @gi.emme9
Image Source: TikTok/@_millie_11_11
Image Source: TikTok | @_millie_11_11

The comment section loved the couple and their story. remembers the couple from the 90s and followed the news around their wedding, "I'm sure it was the first time Cilla Black brought herself a new hat for the first blind date wedding. Old enough to remember it too xx." @parkhouse30 voiced her support for blind dates and wrote, "I met my hubby on a blind date in 1990. Been together ever since."

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