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Couple announces pregnancy during group photo with friends and they have the most amazing reaction

All of their friends were overjoyed to hear the news as they had been trying to get pregnant for a while.

Couple announces pregnancy during group photo with friends and they have the most amazing reaction
Imag Source: Jordan Lee/TikTok

Welcoming a child into the world is an incredibly rewarding experience for any family. It is a beautiful shared experience that everyone participates in if you are fortunate enough to have a lovely family. Moreover, it is beautiful to think that everyone is excited for a child and not just the parents. This excitement is accurately portrayed in a beautiful pregnancy video that is doing rounds on social media. At first glance, the video appears to be a bunch of friends gathering in front of a Christmas tree to take a fun holiday photo. The photographer counts down from three to two but instead of pronouncing one, he unleashes a bombshell. "Tiah’s pregnant," he declares. Everyone is taken aback and the video zooms in to show everyone's joy and excitement. The video was posted on TikTok by the father Jordon Lee and he told TODAY that there is a beautiful story behind it. 

Image Source: TikTok/Jordan Lee
Image Source: TikTok/Jordan Lee


The 29-year-old said, "It was something that I’ve had in my mind for a while. I thought it would be really funny if we slowed the video down and did all the reactions zoomed in this way. So, I’ve been dying to do it and when we got the chance and we edited it, it was actually perfect.” The video has gathered over 26 million views and 4.5 million likes on TikTok. Since they had been battling with infertility for the last two years, Tiah and Jordan felt extremely compelled to create a memorable pregnancy announcement. They tried in vitro fertilization after three unsuccessful rounds of intrauterine insemination. 



They were advised that the embryo had just a 50% chance of implanting. The couple has been open about their infertility journey on social media, so their friends are well aware of the ups and downs. Tiah explained, "A lot of people who go through (infertility) are more isolated and lonely. So, for me, I thought it was important to share publicly to let people know if you’re going through this, you’re not alone." The couple said that it was difficult at times to share their reproductive journey because they experienced so many obstacles.




The 26-year-old added, "When we went through our IUI treatment, we went through three of them, and they didn’t work. It was hard sharing it, being vulnerable." So, because the couple struggled to conceive, the ecstatic emotions from their friends were all the more heartfelt, making the couple's joy all the more special. They shared that they haven't stopped watching this joyous video and everyone's reaction is absolutely heartwarming. Their families were equally excited to hear that their first grandchild was on the way. The due date for Tiah is May 25. 

Jordan said, "They were so genuinely happy. We both surprised them at their front doors with a baby car seat from Goodwill and a little sign on it that says, 'Baby Lee coming in May' and knocked on the door and ran away. It was such pure joy and pure happiness." He said of the video, "That is just the reaction to a lot of prayers answered. Two months before that we were praying with our friends. All of the people in that room were just surrounding us in prayers for our future and our future kids." 

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