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Corporate expert highlights red flags that give a clear hint that your boss is likely to fire you

It's time to clear your desk and pack up when you see such out-of-the-ordinary behavior from your supervisor.

Corporate expert highlights red flags that give a clear hint that your boss is likely to fire you
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@corporate.sween

Being laid off is one of the worst feelings ever. It catches you by surprise and you don’t have a backup plan. It takes a lot to get back up after a downfall at your workplace when you’re fired or laid off. But what if you could sense in advance that your boss is going to fire you? What if you could have a plan ready so that when it hits you, you can surprise your boss instead, perhaps by saying, “Ah, saw that coming, that’s alright!” Corporate expert, @corporate.sween shared a video on TikTok highlighting red flags that indicate your boss is considering letting you go. 

Image Source: TikTok/@corporate.sween
Image Source: TikTok/@corporate.sween

With a few dialogues or your boss’s behavior, you can get a whiff of what’s on their mind regarding your employment. In his video, @corporate.sween included a text overlay that reads: “You’re manager one week before he fires you.” He immediately began the video with phrases that your manager is likely to use. He said, “Whatever it is you’re doing, keep doing it. I'm telling you it is not going unnoticed. So just keep it up.” A subtle way of giving the shoulder pat and building you up before you can be laid off; the manager’s way of trying to let you know that they “see you,” but still have to let you go.

Image Source: TikTok/@corporate.sween
Image Source: TikTok/@corporate.sween

@corporate.sween shared another phrase which was, “I’m gonna share a document with you. I need you to start filling it out every week in detail. It’s essentially an activity tracker that tells me what you’re focused on from Monday through Friday.” This phrase is the foolproof way to get to know what assignments or projects you're working on so they can reassign them to other employees once they’ve said goodbye to you. @corporate.sween also sprinkled slight sympathy as employers do by saying, “No cause for concern.” Take it from the corporate expert in the video, it is a cause for concern.  

Image Source: TikTok/@corporate.sween
Image Source: TikTok/@corporate.sween

@corporate.sween continued the phrase by emphasizing the daily tracker idea by saying, “I’m going to put it up on the calendar just in case you forget. One week from now.” This is a clear indication that something is wrong somewhere and your employer's other behavioral patterns and communication with you will further help you understand what’s going on. Several commenters agreed with @corporate.sween and said that this happened to them too. @ordepreyn said, “It's also a secret way to build your ‘handover file’ so that your manager knows what your replacement needs to do.”

Image Source: TikTok/@corporate.sween
Image Source: TikTok/@corporate.sween

Other commenters shared their discussion about why the daily tracker is the most important yet common sign to notice. @kurayamikasai asked, “I’m so confused. Why the daily trackers to ask us what our focus is? Was that our chance to stay?” To this, @judowoodo replied, “For onboarding your replacement or splitting the project among team members.” @mikaelaslaney said, “Don’t forget the part about where you have to train an employee for your job and you’re vague about why.” If you are facing these conversations and discussions, it’s your sign to leave. 

Image Source: TikTok/@t3ragra_m
Image Source: TikTok/@t3ragra_m


Image Source: TikTok/@charmednluckii
Image Source: TikTok/@charmednluckii


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