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Construction workers sit down with little kids to explain what they do for a living

Construction workers inspire kids by explaining their craft and planting seeds of future aspirations in young minds.

Construction workers sit down with little kids to explain what they do for a living
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Life Of Pix, Reddit | u/Hypnoidz

One of the biggest questions that a child has is what they can choose for their career. While most kids go for conventional and fancy jobs, some curious few take up unconventional careers and succeed in them. Either way, kids need to get the correct guidance for whatever career path they choose, as it can help them get a better idea of what they are getting into and investing their time in. Reddit user u/Hypnoidz shared a wholesome post where some construction workers can be seen explaining what they do to a group of little kids.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tranmautritam
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tranmautritam

The post has gained 4.9K upvotes and 45 comments on the site. The text on the image reads, "My son and his friends want to be construction workers when they're older and regularly sit outside and watch them work. Today, they took an hour and sat them down to explain every step to them." In the picture, we can see three little boys wearing safety vests and paying close attention to a construction worker who was explaining the job to them. We also see his coworkers in action, as they seem to be doing some work on the road.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Hypnoidz
Image Source: Reddit | u/Hypnoidz
Image Source: Reddit | u/Anarin_117
Image Source: Reddit | u/Anarin_117

People commended the construction workers in the comment section for their thoughtful gestures. u/JuicySunflowerSeed commented, "I have huge respect for construction workers. I don't really like people being mean to them when traffic is slowed because of construction sites. We rely on infrastructure that relies on them to be usable. On top of that, the machinery they operate is cool!" u/SpaceInMyBrain highlighted, "I hope they keep their interest in construction. We need more people who do hands-on skilled work. Too many modern people want to have a nice clean job - and then complain about a toxic, unsatisfying office job or being underpaid to fold shirts at Target."

Image Source: Reddit | u/amish_novelty
Image Source: Reddit | u/amish_novelty

Such little gestures go a long way for kids, too. Sometime back, construction workers made a young boy's day. It was a normal day of work for them, but the boy looked at them go about their work with a deep sense of fascination. He had with him a little toy truck, and to him, it almost felt like he was part of the crew. The construction workers took notice of the boy's fascination and decided to take an extra step to make his day.

Image Source: Reddit | u/amish_novelty
Image Source: Reddit | u/amish_novelty

One of them showed the little boy how the machine worked while the rest of the crew gathered around and began cheering for him. The heartwarming moment was caught on video and posted by u/amish_novelty on Reddit, where it has got 119K upvotes and 1.4K comments. The little boy wanted to actively help out with the crew's work and placed his toy truck under the excavator's massive metal claw. Seeing the little boy's excitement, the machine operator obliged his request and filled the toy truck with dirt.

The worker put some effort when putting in the sand, doing it slowly and delicately, almost making it seem like the toy truck was part of the crew. The boy's reaction to this is quite heartwarming and really wholesome. Other workers briefly stopped working to witness the boy's pure reaction. His mother was also present and held onto him so that the boy or anybody else did not get into trouble while the claw filled the truck.

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