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Comedy duo builds 'a**hole wall' around Trump Tower: 'One came out and ran for president'

Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler of The Good Liars pulled a little prank on good ol' Donny boy to prove a point about his ridiculous wall.

Comedy duo builds 'a**hole wall' around Trump Tower: 'One came out and ran for president'
Image Source: TheGoodLiars / Twitter

In a viral Twitter video, two men are seen gathering outside New York City's Trump Tower wearing hard hats and neon safety vests. They ask a couple of passersby if they would be in favor of building an "*sshole wall" around none other than the Tower itself, in order to keep the "*ssholes from escaping" and becoming, y'know, President.

The gag was not only hilarious for those who were just making their way down Fifth Avenue, but folks on the internet were able to have a good laugh about it as well. The prank was pulled off by The Good Liars, a comedy duo of Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler. The two of them have been executing Donald Trump-themed jokes for several years now.



This prank, in particular, took place when Trump was first campaigning to become President. Referring to his obnoxious claims that he would build a wall and even make Mexico pay for it, The Good Liars thought it was, indeed, time to build a wall. Where it would be placed, however, would have perhaps been a little bit more contentious. The pair gathered a few bricks and safety equipment before heading to Trump Tower, where they placed the bricks down to start building their wall. Before they did so, they made sure to conduct a couple of completely reliable and valid polls (with the most trustworthy civilians on the street). This way, they knew folks totally wanted to build a wall.


Sadly, they quickly ran out of funds and bricks, so they just followed in Trump's footsteps and asked the employees over at Trump Tower to pay for the equipment they needed. Classic Trump style! One security guard stated in response to their request, "Are you serious?" Now, it doesn't matter that that's what most Americans shout at their TV screens and newspapers every morning when they find out about the newest sh*t that President Trump managed to pull off; The Good Liars were totally serious!

Eventually, they had to abandon their plan once they realized they simply didn't have enough bricks to cover the entirety of the building. Does that feel a little familiar to you?



If you want to check out more of the comedy duo's stuff, you can visit their website. In the past, they've gone shooting with Republican favorite Rick Santorum and changed the covers of a bunch of Donald Trump Jr.'s books in bookstores so that they read Daddy, Please Love Me, instead of the book's real title, Triggered. Though President Trump is yet to make a comment about these silly little pranks, I'm sure his tiny, tiny thumbs would be more than happy (itching, even) to tweet out a string of incoherent sentences about how The Good Liars aren't good at anything, not even building walls. Oh, well!



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