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Comedian impersonates a sarcastic Anthony Bourdain reviewing Costco food court and we've got goosebumps

Jonathan Kite channels Anthony Bourdain in a hilarious Costco food review, sparking online laughs with his impression of the late chef.

Comedian impersonates a sarcastic Anthony Bourdain reviewing Costco food court and we've got goosebumps
Picture shows an impressionist eating chicken bake at a Costco store. (Cover Image Source: Instagram | @jonathankite)

In the age of social media, particularly with the growing cancel culture, it has become difficult to make people laugh and cry at the same time without offending them. Day by day, we encounter polarizing opinions on even simple things like food, leaving the public divided, with many unable to accept criticism of their eating choices. But Jonathan Kite, an actor and comedian, struck a chord with food lovers across the internet with his sarcastic take on Costco’s famous eatery, impersonating the late celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain. The American actor and impressionist—who goes by @jonathankite on Instagram—apparently reviewed some of the most popular food items on Costco’s menu, bringing laughter to audiences online.

Picture shows an impressionist standing outside a Costco store. (Image Source: Instagram | @jonathankite)
A man standing outside of a Costco store. (Image Source: Instagram | @jonathankite)

The video began with Kite walking into a Costco store, donning a leather jacket, scarf, and sunglasses, much like Bourdain. “Welcome to the holy temple of high-calorie indulgence, Costco. A land of abundance where your wildest snack dreams and deepest regrets are sold by the pound,” the comedian humorously remarked in a deep, baritone voice. What followed was nothing short of a tribute to the late TV personality's programs, a perfectly impressionable act that captured his unique style and wit.

“Everywhere you look, rolled in fields of clothing, couches, and cod,” the comedian added. Kite continued with his jokes as he introduced his viewers to different sections of the store, from aisles exclusively filled with mounds of groceries to rows of flat-screen TVs. Upon finally reaching the famous eatery, the comedian got his hands on the chicken bake.

Picture shows an impressionist eating chicken bake at a Costco store. (Image Source: Instagram | @jonathankite)
Picture shows an impressionist eating chicken bake at a Costco store. (Image Source: Instagram | @jonathankite)

“Somewhere between a calzone and a fever dream, it's packed with chicken, bacon, and enough cheese to make your cardiologist cry,” the actor said before moving on to the next item on the menu. “We have the double-chunk chocolate cookie, a dessert so dense it probably has its own gravitational pull. But hey, what's life without a little regret baked in?" he continued, delivering an amusing commentary on the sweet cravings. Continuing his imaginary trip to Costco as Bourdain, Kite finally landed on the "pièce de résistance."

"And finally, the pièce de résistance, the soft-serve ice cream sundae—a towering edifice of dairy majesty topped with a cherry-colored mystery sauce that whispers, ‘I'm probably not fruit, but I dare you to care,’” the comedian retorted. Following this, he suggested that the dessert seemed to him like one “that should come with a life coach and a waiver.” 

Image Source: Instagram | @eldereats
Image Source: Instagram | @eldereats
Image Source: Instagram | @iluvdrinkingbrine
Image Source: Instagram | @iluvdrinkingbrine

“Costco's food court isn't a Michelin-star destination, but it is an honest, greasy love letter. So no matter what, it'll affect your heart. Until next time, eat well, live boldly, and as always, save room for dessert, or at least the next free sample,” Kite was heard saying in his one-and-a-half-minute funny act, impersonating the celebrated chef who died by suicide in 2018.

The respectful impression aimed to evoke cherished public memories of Bourdain and garnered widespread attention on social media. Among the countless reactions, @franzcalamari emphasized, “This is what it feels like to see an old friend you haven’t talked to in a long time.” “This may be the greatest impersonation of all time,” @marcantranig assumed.

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