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Comedian gives a masterclass in delivering compliments to strangers in the best way

He emphasizes the power of sincere compliments, acknowledging that appreciating someone's efforts can truly brighten their day.

Comedian gives a masterclass in delivering compliments to strangers in the best way
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @TroyHawke

Picture this: one day, as you step into your office, your colleague admires your impeccably put-together outfit. How would you feel? Undoubtedly, you would feel fantastic. Why? Because their kind words acknowledge and appreciate your efforts and taste in clothing. It's a universal truth that compliments and recognition make people feel good. Everyone enjoys being noticed and praised for their choices. Bumble, the dating app, understands this concept well. In their latest advertisement, Bumble encourages everyone to compliment strangers and win their hearts. Now, the comedian Troy Hawke has also joined hands with them. In a video uploaded by him on TikTok, we see him complimenting strangers about the most special qualities in them.

Image Source: TikTok | @troyhawke
Image Source: TikTok | @troy_hawke

He is seen walking on the streets and complimenting strangers. The video begins with Troy praising a man who is buying blueberries. He says, "I love your lavender blue color scheme goes with the blueberries as well. Clearly a man with an eye for detail." He goes ahead and compliments a woman walking and listening to music about her "confident stride."

He adds, "Loved it" and she responds by thanking him. Later in the video, he compliments another woman and says, "I adored the way you laughed at that pigeon." She is pleasantly surprised and she laughs at how hilarious this compliment was.

Image Source: TikTok | @troyhawke
Image Source: TikTok | @troy_hawke

He then emphasizes how giving compliments is simple but not easy. Hereon, his praises become even more specific and interesting. He tells one man walking on the streets, "You have a marvelous weight distribution between your feet, sir. Good, easy shift." "Especially for us, Brits. Present company included. I can give them but cannot take [them]," he says about Bumble. Then, we see a man from the dating app company trying to compliment Troy. The man says, "Oh man, you are so good." Troy responds, "Oh, stop it." They keep exchanging a few compliments. Troy also says, "Doesn't mean I don't love" compliments.

Image Source: TikTok | @TroyHawke
Image Source: TikTok | @troy_hawke

Now, he starts receiving compliments from people. The first one comes from a woman who says, "You look great." Troy replies, "A Yorkshire compliment that's cast in gold." He further says, "sincerely appreciating something that someone has made an effort on will make their day." Then we see Bumble's campaign poster, "Send a compliment. It will last longer." However, Troy is not done with giving compliments yet.

He tells a man wearing blue jeans, "Sir, you are aquamarine blue jeans, a field of dreams." The man has a beautiful smile on his face after receiving this compliment. Troy also compliments a food truck driver and tells them that they are doing a wonderful job "in a tricky set of circumstances." Then, he sees a woman sitting near a house and tells her, "You look like a painting. You are just sitting there. It is fantastic."


He also discusses how "the more unique" a compliment is "the more bespoke and devastatingly effective" it will be. He also tells a man that his vibe is of a "genius artist turned creative corporate legend." This man is wearing a suit and has long hair and Troy can sense the creative side of this man. He tells a man commuting to work that he looks "stylish, pensive but also capable enough to deal with anything required." The video is incredibly beautiful and wholesome. It emphasizes how important it is to be kind to strangers and notice and appreciate their efforts every now and then.

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