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Comedian explains how all generations have a different relationship with best friends

He highlights how each generation has evolved in their approach to maintaining relationships with their best friends.

Comedian explains how all generations have a different relationship with best friends
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @jakelambertcomedy

Friends are one of the most important people in anyone's life. They are present through thick and thin and provide a support system that you can't find anywhere else. Even though the essence of friendships remains the same, the dynamics and interactions between them have gone through a lot of generational change. Comedian Jake Lambert—who goes by @jakelambertcomedy on Instagram—sums up the generational change in friendships in a viral video.

Image Source: Instagram | @jakelambertcomedy
Image Source: Instagram | @jakelambertcomedy

The comedian recaps the changes each generation has gone through when it comes to maintaining a relationship with their best friends over the years. "Each generation has a very different relationship with their best friends. First of all, you got boomers. Now their friendship would have stood the test of time and by test of time, I mean that weird era when people would just turn up to other people's houses unannounced," he jokes at the beginning.

Lambert points out that the boomers used to get along with each other so well that they could practically pass off as real families despite not being related by blood to one another. "Then you've got Gen X," Lambert continues. "Nine times out of their ten meetings would involve alcohol." He then moves on to describe the millennial friendships, "They don't see their best friends as much as they used to and they mainly communicate with each other by sending memes."

Image Source: Instagram | @jakelambertcomedy
Image Source: Instagram | @jakelambertcomedy

According to what he says, whenever these millennial best friends meet up they definitely make a point to tell each other that they need to meet more often. Lastly, he moves on to describe the friendship dynamics among the Gen Z folks. "They have managed to achieve something that no other generation has managed to do," Lambert says. "They just sit with each other in complete and utter silence and they even do it over FaceTime which confuses every other generation. Even the thought of that can cause a millennial to have a full-blown panic attack," he concludes.

Image Source: Pexels | Photo by fauxels
Pepresentational Image Source: Pexels | Fauxels

People couldn't help but relate to Lambert's thoughts on the changes in friendship dynamics over the ages. @khisha_s wrote: "As a Gen Z, we're very proud of our lack of fear of silence. Comfortable not awkward, but present." @sandyh1204 commented: "My son aged 13 had friends over. He had an actual nap when they were in." @clare.lockyer quipped: "Thinking I am having a private conversation and then discovering my kids are on epic silent FaceTime calls with their friends and everything I am saying is being broadcast in other people's houses is a Gen Z parenting hazard."

Image Source: Instagram | @jakelambertcomedy
Image Source: Instagram | @jakelambertcomedy

@slothartz added: "The Gen Z thing is called parallel play and is common with neurodivergent people but obviously not exclusively. It’s just chill to be able to do your own thing in the vicinity of someone you vibe with so you can vibe collectively while doing stuff that you each enjoy. It’s also really good for holding each other accountable for studying." @lil_jummix elaborated: "All these were mostly influenced by technological advancement. Baby boomer era, there was no social media, hardly were there telephones, and there was no way of calling before visiting, so visiting unannounced was a norm, working wasn't time-consuming so there was plenty of time to visit."

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The person further continued to explain that Gen X was growing up during the Industrial Revolution era and they would often meet up with their friends for alcohol dates. Then the millennials were the first ones to encounter social media and they started the whole norm of connecting with friends over the internet rather than meeting up in person whereas Gen Z became a lot out of touch with reality, got used to silence and had less human contact. We can expect that in the future, the old-school style of hanging out with friends just might disappear entirely as we rely on modern forms of communication.

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