Fed up with misdirected emails, the person joined a company’s group chat, sparking an unexpected twist.
Being on the receiving end of misdirected emails can be anything from mildly inconvenient to downright annoying. No one likes getting emails that weren't meant for them, especially from a workplace. So when a company kept sending emails to the wrong person, they decided to respond in a hilarious way. The individual, u/BiackPanda, took to Reddit to share the story of how they ultimately dealt with the issue.
"This happened ~10 years ago. I have a very common name in Spanish. My email is my first dot last at Gmail," the person began. They have had the email for the longest time and feel that some people simply don't understand how email works as they often receive bank statements and bills meant for others. "Always from different people (their middle names are always different)," they continued. "Anyway, I started receiving meeting notes from this random company, spreadsheets, presentations, etc." Deciding to address the issue, they replied, informing the company that they had the wrong email and should remove them from their mailing list. "No one ever listened. One day I got added to a group chat so I joined the chat. I see they start talking about some customers and start asking questions. I start offering my opinion," they wrote.
"Some of my responses are starting to make no sense. Then I just go full-on bananas and start telling them they are all idiots for not checking their emails before sending invites, lol," the person recounted. "The meeting went silent. I was kicked out of the chat room a second later." They added, "I continue to cause some drama by editing the titles of their docs to, 'You should seriously double check who you are sharing documents with.'" The person had a good laugh as the company took quite some time to change the titles back and remove their access. "After two weeks, I got bored and just removed the docs from my drive. Never had an email from them again," they shared.
People took to the comments section of the thread to express their thoughts on the situation. u/darwinn_69 wrote, "Just a piece of advice, be cautious about modifying/deleting other people's files. There is a fuzzy grey line where it's possible to cross over into a computer crime and have the FBI knocking at your door depending on who and what you changed." u/curvyjessicadibbi remarked, "Honestly, this is both hilarious and a perfect lesson in why double-checking emails matters. You might have caused a little mayhem, but I bet they’ll never make that mistake again!"
u/ted_anderson commented, "I have a similar situation where I got a new phone number. Some guy named Chris who had the number before me still has that number listed with his accounts. I get texts and prerecorded messages from his kid's school, I'm getting group texts from his family members, I'm seeing this guy's doctor's appointments, etc. and I'm even getting stuff from his job. I've been ignoring it but now that I've had this number for over a year, I'm tempted to start responding."