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College-goer finds ingenious idea to deal with neighbors' WiFi theft and unwanted pizza deliveries

This crafty college student outsmarted the WiFi theft and numerous intrusive pizza deliveries with creative brilliance.

College-goer finds ingenious idea to deal with neighbors' WiFi theft and unwanted pizza deliveries
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Norma Mortenson; (R) Reddit/Lukus-Galaktikus

In most cases of apartment living, it's smooth sailing when you have courteous people as your neighbors. However, it can be a drastically different experience if your neighbors prove to be difficult people. Having inconsiderate neighbors can seriously affect one's life in an apartment. u/Lukus-Galaktikus shared their own story involving a difficult neighbor who made their college life miserable and how they found a solution to the problem. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Florencia Potter
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Florencia Potter


The individual felt compelled to share the post while he was going through other stories on the website and began by saying that it happened five years ago. The elaborate story has gained over 5.1K likes on the platform and 224 comments. The Redditor was studying in a foreign country and "enjoying the student dream." He resided in an apartment building that primarily had students. He managed to keep a cordial relationship with other individuals in the building and even fixed up small issues around the place.

All was well for a long time. He then got to the crux of the story, saying, "Time passes, some tenants left and new ones come in." Soon after, he encountered a pizza delivery guy at his door, even though he hadn't ordered any. It then dawned on them that somebody from the other side of the building ordered it, resulting in a classic mix-up. The pizza delivery man tried another apartment a few moments later, which startled the individual as he could hear the doorbell through the wall. He describes the noise to be an "awful and loud ringing tone that would make you jump out of bed."

He decided to forget about the entire thing and move on. However, the same buzzing noise continued to disturb him in the coming days. He writes, "At any time from lunch to midnight, I would get startled by this horrible noise."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio


The student decided to do something about it and found the contact of the neighbor causing the disturbance from another neighbor, who presented another set of problems of incessant borrowing. The "pizza eater" told him that he told the drivers to ring the "second door" but they didn't listen. The poster did not believe him but tried to find a solution by offering to change the instructions to the local language in the delivery app so that delivery people would not be confused. Being the difficult neighbor, he refused to let him do anything.

Both of these troublesome neighbors continued to make the Reddit user's life miserable. He also found out that the "shameless" borrower had been connecting multiple devices to his WiFi router. Having reached a breaking point, the Redditor decided to do something about their situation. He waited for their exam period to roll around to start making moves. He began by changing the WiFi password so his neighbor would be kicked out automatically. Also, sure enough, a pizza came to his house, which he took and merrily ate.

The individual writes, "I hated it but forced myself to finish one and gave the other to a friend." The neighbors of course noticed and started messaging him, threatening him. He came outside to confront the neighbor, only to find him to be a "small, scrawny guy." The neighbor fumed and said to the poster that it was "not cool" to steal his pizza, but the Redditor replied that he thought it was his pizza, having placed an order simultaneously. The guy requested a refund, to which he replied, "Sure! You can ask your friend in apartment 9 to give you the money he owes me and I will generously forgive the rest of his debt." He then wished him the best for his exams and left. He also told the neighbor who kept hogging the WiFi that he was the "biggest leech" he had ever met.

Image Source: Reddit/Eska_Peska
Image Source: Reddit/Eska_Peska


Image Source: Reddit/Sea_no_evil
Image Source: Reddit/Sea_no_evil

Following these incidents, the individual was never disturbed again by both parties "and the next deliveries magically knew where to ring afterward." People in the comments section commended the student's patience and loved the satisfying end of the story.

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