The man was rushing somewhere due to an emergency when he ended up hitting a woman riding an electric bike.
Some love stories start in really unexpected ways. But it might be hard to believe that someone's story can begin with a nearly fatal accident. That's exactly what happened with a couple in China, who met when the woman was hit by the man's car while he was speeding. According to the South China Morning Post, the woman was riding a bike and the man was rushing to reach somewhere when the incident happened. Little did they know that the accident would connect them in many ways.
The couple met in December of 2023 when a 36-year-old man, Li, was driving his car quickly because he had an emergency. He ended up hitting a cyclist, a 23-year-old woman, who would later become his wife. Li got out of his car to check on the cyclist to see if she was okay. He apologized to her while she was still lying on the ground after being hit. Instead of being angry, the woman told him, "No worries," which surprised him. Later at the hospital, doctors found that the woman had suffered a broken collarbone from the accident.
The man thought the woman was kind for saying that and had decided to make sure she was fine. Even her parents did not press any charges against Li and absolved him of all blame, according to the outlet. From then on, the man regularly visited the woman to look after her and ensure she was getting better. The couple got to know each other better, and soon enough, the woman confessed her love for Li. It had been three weeks since the accident when she made the confession, but the man rejected her, saying that he was too old for her. Nonetheless, he agreed to go watch a movie with her one day because he owed that much to her for causing the accident.
The couple continued to fall in love, and the woman became pregnant in September. They married in February, and the man credited his wife for making their story possible. He pointed out that marriage was not part of his plan before he met his wife and thanked her for her bravery.
Li is a businessman and salesperson who has some debts to pay, while his wife, who recently graduated from university, works at a local milk tea shop. Due to his debt, his wife refused the bride price of 188,000 yuan (US$26,000) he offered during the wedding, in accordance with Chinese tradition, insisting that he should invest that amount in his business.
The couple currently lives with the woman's parents because their place is closer to Li's workplace. The man expressed that his in-laws were very nice to him. Surprisingly enough, he revealed that the accident involving his wife was the sixth such case for him in two months. Fortunately, the man didn't have any more crashes after that. The story received a lot of attention on Chinese social media apps and many people congratulated the couple. "Your story is like the plot of an idol drama. Best wishes to you," one person wrote. "It was fate that brought them together even when the circumstances were quite unconventional," another person commented.