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Child psychologist explains why parents should take their kids on vacations: 'You'd be surprised'

Even though kids tend to complain about it or sound less interested in them, taking them for vacations can be a good stop for them.

Child psychologist explains why parents should take their kids on vacations: 'You'd be surprised'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @_itserikav

The season of summer vacations is here and a child psychologist Dr. Erika Velez made a TikTok video explaining why kids must spend vacations with their parents. Even though kids tend to complain about it or sound less interested in them, taking them on vacations can be good for their overall development, as per this psychologist.

"This is the period of time in the year when children are going on vacation with their parents," Dr. Velez said. "Whether it's a little weekend trip or they're going on extended trips, this is the period of the year that I hear all about their experience on vacation." It is the regular moments and things that make the kids excited about vacations.

Image Source: TikTok | @_itserikav
Image Source: TikTok | @_itserikav

"Despite what behavior might be displayed when they're on vacation when they come back and report about it, they genuinely love being on vacation with their parents," Dr. Velez said. "The things that they mention, especially the younger ones, have more to do with the time they spend with their parents." Even the experience of sharing a room with their parents can make the kids happy. "Something about hotel rooms, they just love hotel rooms," she added. Dr. Velez revealed they would also appreciate having meals with their parents, "There is a chance that throughout the school year that they're not having breakfast, lunch and dinner with their parents, and now they are."

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok | @_itserikav

"Especially for parents of teenagers, they really wonder, like, 'what's the point of bringing these kids along on this vacation? They're complaining the entire time,'" she said. She accepted that the trip might not be perfect as "I do hear them say, like, 'Oh, it was too long' or 'I didn't like this or this or that,'" she said.

However, kids do love a good vacation with their family. "You'd be surprised at some of the positive feedback that I also get," she said, adding, "despite what's happening on the outside. On the inside, when they share it, these are memories and core memories that you are creating with your family."

People liked what the child psychologist said and it inspired many parents to spend more time with their children. @Mark commented, "So true. No need to spend big money. Just spend time with them!!!" @L1 joked, "I’m 37 years old and I’m going on vacation with my parents next month and I’m excited!"

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

@Heather shared, "My 16yo always looks so miserable on vacation, but he also always asks when we’re going on another one, so I feel like he enjoys our trips together." @ZachSchwartzenburg wrote, "So true. I remember specifically when I was about 14 being on a vacation with my parents and re-realizing. Oh, my dad is actually really funny." @VMC9600 shared, "I have 2 teenagers who ignore me and each other at home but laugh and play board games on vacations."

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