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Chief Candy Officer wanted: Get paid $78,000 a year to eat candy while sitting at home

Candidates need to be over 5 years old, be passionate about confectionary treats and be willing to become the head taste tester.

Chief Candy Officer wanted:  Get paid $78,000 a year to eat candy while sitting at home
Two Girls Selecting Sweets - stock photo/Getty Images

Do you have what it takes to be a Chief Candy Officer? Yes, you read that right. A Canadian candy company is offering $78,000 a year to sit at home and taste their candy. That's as sweet a gig as you'll ever find. If you think the job is limited to adults, you're mistaken. Candy Funhouse, an online retailer of confectionery treats, is inviting anyone over the age of 5 to be their Chief Candy Officer. They only need to have permission from their parents. The other requirements include being "passionate about confectionary treats, explore products, being head taste tester" and tasting more than 3,500 products on a monthly basis, read the job description posted on LinkedIn. I'm not great at math but that's at least 100 sweets per day and I'm already filling out an application. The company makes all kinds of confectionary, ranging from chocolate bars to gummies and licorice, reported CNN. 



The work could be full-time or part-time. The option of part-tie really taps into the market of kids who also want to set aside time to watch TV and play games. It's after all, all about a healthy work-life balance. And speaking of healthy, the company also offers an extensive dental plan. When you're eating candy for a living, a dental plan is a must. The Chief Candy Officer will be in charge of approving new products and testing existing ones as well. "This includes approving all candy in inventory and deciding whether or not to award each treat with the official “CCO (Chief Candy Officer) Stamp of Approval,” reads the post. "The Chief Candy Officer will be responsible for deciding which new candy products Candy Funhouse will be carrying, leading candy board meetings, being the head taste tester, and taking charge of all things fun!"



Of course, tasting candy is serious business at a candy company. "The Chief Candy Officer will be responsible for deciding which new candy products Candy Funhouse will be carrying, leading candy board meetings, being the head taste tester, and taking charge, of all things fun!" read the post. Anyone above the age of 5 in North America can apply for the post. The chosen one will be put through extensive palate training to prepare for the role. Some of the other requirements for the job include "enthusiasm and eagerness to try confectionary products, golden taste buds, obvious sweet tooth, knows how to have FUN!"



Thousands of candidates have already applied for the post shared by Chief Executive Officer Jamal Hejazi in July. Hejazi has been flooded with "golden ticket" themed applications, with some families applying as a whole, to share the tasting duties and salary. Hejazi understands the appeal. "Imagine your best memories around candy, and having that every day at work," he said. Candy Funhouse was founded by Hejazi's brother in 2018 with their mother serving as employee no. 2. His younger sister and brother also joined the firm later. It's based outside of Toronto and run by the siblings. Their leaning toward all things sweet comes from their parents who owned donut shops and a local restaurant. The family still maintains a 90% ownership stake in the company. Hejazi did later clarify that a Chief Candy Officer will be required to eat 3500 pieces of candy a month.  

Girl looking at sweets in glass counter - stock photo/Getty Images
Girl looking at sweets in glass counter - stock photo/Getty Images


Candy Funhouse has also stated that no previous experience is necessary, so kids, what are you waiting for? The deadline for submitting your application is August 31, 2022. 

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