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Chef hilariously pranks customer who tried to give funny instructions while ordering noodles

The metaphorical instructions given to the chef, was taken quite literally, to the amusement of many Reddit users!

Chef hilariously pranks customer who tried to give funny instructions while ordering noodles
Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Arman Zhenikeyev

Giving instructions on how you want your food is not going to be the same for this Reddit user anymore. In a hilarious incident shared by the Redditor shows how a random comment became a well-executed prank, reports Bored Panda. The Redditor who goes by the name u/CarltheWellEndowed, is a regular customer of a Chinese restaurant and a spicy food lover. One day he decided to add some fun in the instructions to the chef which kind of backfired on him. “I asked for my Singapore Noodles to be extremely spicy, and then added in "tell the chef to make this for me like he hated me, and wanted me to hurt. Well, they took the "like he hated me" quite seriously,” he writes in the Reddit post.

Pexels | Photo by Momo King
Pexels | Photo by Momo King



The Redditor, who goes by the name u/CarltheWellEndowed, is a regular customer of a Chinese restaurant who is a spicy food lover. One day he decided to add some fun in the instructions to the chef, which kind of backfired. “I asked for my Singapore Noodles to be extremely spicy, and then added in "tell the chef to make this for me like he hated me, and wanted me to hurt. Well, they took the "like he hated me" quite seriously,” he writes in the Reddit post.


“What followed was a hilarious prank by the restaurant staff and the chef. When my food came out it was...repulsive. The meat was burned black and basically just crumbs, the vegetables were practically uncooked, and it was the saltiest thing I think I have ever eaten. Well, I got what I asked for, and tried to eat it, when my server came back, and asked me how I liked it. I think he might actually hate me. The server laughed and brought me my actual meal. Apparently, what I had gotten was just scraps that would normally be tossed, and the chef decided to have some fun with it. Got my food to go (my appetite was gone from the few bites I had), and left a good tip,” he further explains.

Pexels | Photo by Anna Nekrashevich
Pexels | Photo by Anna Nekrashevich



The Redditor said that he felt a little ‘off’ after having the food and said that it is the last time, he orders something like this. The post has garnered more than five thousand likes and 125 comments from users sharing their stories similar to the writer’s and appreciating the restaurant staff and the writer for being such a sport and handling the prank quite well.

Image Source: Reddit | @The_Sanch1128
Image Source: Reddit | @The_Sanch1128


u/username shared: “I was at a brewery in Rapid City, SD a few years ago for supper and ordered the cream ale. The waitress came back with a glass of milk to mess with me. NGL... I'd been on the road for a few days, and I LOVE milk, so I actually got a little excited about the idea and asked her to leave it but she didn't and brought my beer a couple of minutes later. She later said she and one of the other waitresses shared the glass while splitting a brownie in the back (sic).


Many shared their love for spicy food as well. A user in the thread explained how trying a new dish as a spicy food lover went. He wrote: “Maybe it's cause I'm a masochist, maybe it's cause I'm a Texan (might just be synonymous), but I love spicy stuff and go out of my way to make things spicier if the option is available. That said, the experience that sticks out with me of getting more than I was prepared for was this Indian place in Baltimore 20 years ago. I got the Vindaloo for the first time and it was actually burning my mouth. I thought it was the heat of the food, but no, it was just the spice. I was amazed though. And no other Vindaloo I've had since has come close to that nuclear bomb in my mouth. I've eaten ghost pepper stuff (though have yet to get an actual pepper) and it didn't compare.”

Image Source: Reddit | @giveme25atleast
Image Source: Reddit | @giveme25atleast


However, there are comments which expressed concern for the writer and argued that the chef may have pushed it too far.

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