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Brother takes his sister to the father-daughter dance after their dad couldn't make it

A brother's heartwarming gesture has touched many people and might probably become a 'core memory' for his sister.

Brother takes his sister to the father-daughter dance after their dad couldn't make it
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @patrice_thomps

A father-daughter dance is a special moment for many young girls. But due to several reasons, some dads can't attend their daughter's big event. The same thing was about to happen to a girl until her older teenage brother stepped in and took her to the dance instead of their dad. Their mom, Patrice Thompson—who goes by @patrice_thomps on Instagram—took to the platform to share the beautiful moment of the brother dancing with his little sister instead of their dad.

Image Source: Instagram |
Image Source: Instagram | @patrice_thompson

The text overlay of the video read, "POV: Your teenage son didn't want his sister to miss out on the father-daughter dance so he did it with her." As the video began, many little girls were dancing and their dads walked in after a moment. Instead of one little girl's dad her brother walked in and danced with her. Both of them had the biggest smiles on their faces as they did the lifts and turns. The mom captioned the video, "Core memory for the team today. I don’t know if he knows what an impact he’s making as her big brother but she’ll never forget this." Thompson shared with Newsweek that their dad couldn't attend the dance because of work commitments.

Image Source: Instagram | @patrice_thompson
Image Source: Instagram | @patrice_thompson

So the brother, Micah stepped in, making his mom feel proud. "Honestly, I am so proud but at the same time not super surprised because that's the young man he is! Most 14-year-old boys would rather do anything else than perform a routine in front of their peers and during summer when he could be off with friends, he chose to give up time to support her so she didn't feel left out," the said. "We call our family a team, and when he stepped in for her, it definitely showed me that he truly understands the meaning of being selfless."

Image Source: Instagram | @rowena.23317
Image Source: Instagram | @rowena.23317
Image Source: Instagram | @mother_of_the_rich_night
Image Source: Instagram | @mother_of_the_rich_night

The video received over 17.2 million views and people took to the comments section to appreciate the teenager's thoughtful gesture. @kiracohen shared, "My brother did things like this for me growing up. He walked me down the aisle at my wedding, I was his best woman at his. I always say it was a gift our dad stepped away so he could leave room for me to learn what a real man was from the one I watched grow into one."

@iamemersontheo remarked, "As a man whose dad walked away from me, this makes me so emotional. You are raising your son to be the cycle breaker. He won’t end up repeating cycles of toxic masculinity like so many of the men we see today. He will be a better man. His little sister will grow up knowing what a real man should be like because she has her big brother to show her. You’re doing a great job raising them both."

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A post shared by Patrice Thompson (@patrice_thomps)

You can follow Patrice Thompson (@patrice_thomps) on Instagram for more lifestyle content.

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