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'Bros for life': Two adorable kids have the most aggressive goodbye routine and it has us smitten

The duo ensured they expressed their wholehearted love for each other with strong, passionate goodbyes

'Bros for life': Two adorable kids have the most aggressive goodbye routine and it has us smitten
Two young buddies excitedly yelling while hugging each other; (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Westend61)

Friendships comprise the most unhinged and adorable practices. Whether it’s a handshake, a celebration, or a code word, friends often have the most unexpected ways of communicating. It is quite normal among friends to have a personal way of interacting that only holds value and makes sense to them. While this is often seen among grown-ups and teenagers, u/mindyour shared a post revealing even little children are no exception. The video captured the two tiny boys waving goodbye, along with their parents on a tennis court, and their unusual routine has left us smitten.

Toddler boys hugging each other and playing. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Jill Lehmann Photography)
Toddler boys hugging each other and playing; (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Jill Lehmann Photography)

As one of the boys stood at the sidelines of the court with his mum, the other was just about to leave the space. Before he could make for the door, the boy heard his friend with the loudest, most aggressive tone yell, “Bye-bye!” But that was not the end; the child on the other end immediately reverted with a “Bye-Bye!” as aggressively. The boys were unapologetically yelling their goodbyes to each other, amid the seated crowd and other people playing. Not once, but repeatedly, they kept shouting the same phrase back and forth to each other without any care for their surroundings. For those who wouldn't be able to understand the accent, it would seem like they were angrily yelling at each other.

Young boy waving goobye excitedly. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Silvia Moraleja)
Young boy waving goodbye excitedly; (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Silvia Moraleja)

The boy ensured that before he left, he completed his routine with his friend, while the other child, with all the energy he could muster, kept shouting "Bye-bye" until he could no longer see his friend. The mom, busy trying to refresh her child with a towel and water, was initially embarrassed and tried to keep the boy from disturbing the game. And she quietly gave in and laughed when she noticed the duo was unshakable. Whether or not they had a fun time playing remains uncertain. However, they surely enjoyed bidding each other farewell and completed their routine without remorse. The highlight was the seriousness with which the duo committed to yelling their goodbyes. Their aggressiveness even managed to take a passerby by surprise.

Young kid waving goodbye standing on lawn.(Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Mint Images RF)
Young kid waving goodbye standing on lawn; (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Mint Images RF)

Caught between the adorable duo, the man was baffled and worried to see the children yelling at each other. However, when he realized they were saying goodbye, he couldn't help but smile before leaving. People loved the energy the buddies exhibited and how proud they were of each other. Many even commended their friendship and expressed that they would be pals for a lifetime. One commenter, u/CZTachyonsVN remarked, “Now imagine them as adults and trying to beat each other to the restaurant bill.” u/Coustruste1a added, “It's always so hard to leave your friends when you're a kid.”

u/popicebyyui remarked, “I hope they become the best men for each other later in life.” u/Fackably1a asked, “I don't know how I'll be a parent; how do you keep from laughing all the time?” Meanwhile, u/Appropriate-Copy949 noted, “The upside for the parents is that they could only speak in a whisper for the rest of the day.”

Image Source: Reddit|u/MarkEsmiths
Image Source: Reddit|u/MarkEsmiths


Image Source: Reddit|u/KuriousKat27
Image Source: Reddit|u/KuriousKat27

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