Among the many other culture shocks she faced after moving to America from the UK, this one frustrated the woman more while driving.
Life in the United States might be tough to adjust for many foreigners. Particularly for the British, as they change their entire driving approach when they move to America. But it's not just about driving on the other side of the road that bothers them. On behalf of the British people, Amber - who goes by @_amberinamerica on TikTok – shared a video ranting about the intolerable amount of "STOP" signs in America. Popular for her viral videos on culture shock as a Brit living in the US, Amber was absolutely hilarious in explaining why she still couldn't get used to the "STOP" signs while driving.
The woman pointed out how Americans ignore many other crucial road rules but strictly follow the "STOP" signs. Standing in front of a said sign, she comically called it a "baddie." She then pointed out, "We do have STOP signs in the UK. Typically, they would be at a dangerous junction or dangerous intersection where you need to come to a full stop because you can't see, so you have to come to a full stop and take note before you proceed." But in America, she found it everywhere, even in "dead straight roads with perfect visuals." Amber was frustrated when the roadsigns were placed in all four directions at the crossroads and added, "No matter which way you're going, you still have to stop. Even if you're not turning, you still don't have the right to proceed."
What bothered her "old polite British brain" was that the vehicles at the "STOP" sign proceeded on a first-come-first-serve basis. "So when I'm coming to a junction to turn left or right and I get there before someone who's going straight, I get to go first," she said. While the general rule in the UK was to allow the person turning right to proceed first, this first-come-first-serve rule caused her discomfort being the people pleaser that she was. She then hilariously mentioned how Americans ignore rules like following braking distances or using indicators, which were actually safety concerns. But she wondered how an American driver ardently comes to a full stop when they see the "STOP" sign.
Towards the end of the video, Amber humorously questioned the Americans, "I want to know why. What kind of hold does this 'STOP' sign have over you guys?" She added this culture shock to one of the most likely things she was going to ignore. People had hilarious responses to Amber's rant.
"Because the one time you don't stop, that's when there will be a hidden police car on the other side just waiting to pull you over," commented @marcushall99, to which Amber replied, "Wondering why the cops were 'petty' about this rule." "Ha! Not even close in small towns. Cars are always doing 'rolling' stops when there are no other cars in the intersection," wrote @user.174659486. "I got pulled over at 18 for a 'rolling stop.' The lady cop said, 'All 4 tires have to stop.' My smart self replied with, 'If one tire stops, don't they all?' The Lady cop slapped a ticket so fast. All 4 tires always stop now," @amandamacleod0 joked about their experience.
@_amberinamerica After moving from the UK people often ask how I’m getting used to the driving…here’s something I can’t get used to 😂🛑🇬🇧🇺🇸 #cultureshock #ukvsus #britsinamerica #britishgirlinamerica #emigration #drivinginamerica #movingtoamerica #lifeinamerica ♬ original sound - Amber in America 🇺🇸
You can follow Amber (@_amberinamerica) on TikTok for more British-American lifestyle content. Also, you can follow her on Instagram and subscribe to her YouTube channel.
This article originally appeared 11 months ago.