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Bride's mom stunned everyone by crocheting gorgeous wedding bouquet over the course of a year

The bride wanted a simple, 'cheap and non-traditional' bouquet for her wedding. So, the mom gave her all to fulfill her daughter's wish.

Bride's mom stunned everyone by crocheting gorgeous wedding bouquet over the course of a year
Cover Image Source: Instagram/ Photo by intimacy_coordinator_

For many people, wedding day is the most special day of their lives. They try to make everything perfect, from their wedding gown to the venue to food and even flowers. One person shared the gorgeous flowers her mom crocheted for her wedding day and it could not have been more precious. In a video uploaded on Instagram by Jessica Steinrock - who goes on the platform by intimacy_coordinator_ - we see her discuss how her mother made a special and "non-traditional" bouquet for her wedding day. She said in the video that her mom enjoys doing crafts and was pretty new at crochet when she made that bouquet. But Steinrock was just looking for "cheap" flower options for her wedding day so, she presented this unique idea to her mom.  

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A post shared by Jessica Steinrock | Intimacy Coordinator (@intimacy_coordinator_)



She further said, "And I found out this picture. It's funky, it's colorful, and I also picked it because it is kind of simple and I thought my mom could make it. Most of this could be done by crocheting individual flowers and then adhering them to a styrofoam block. We were having an outdoor wedding at a brewery, so the colorful, funky vibe kind of worked. But my mom saw it and she did not like it that much. So she said, basically hold my beer, and what she came up with was incredible." Steinrock then shared that it took her mom almost a year to crochet that beautiful colorful bouquet: "It was over the course of an entire year."

Steinrock, who had a dreamy wedding five years ago, showed the current conditions of the bouquet. "Here is what it looks like today, over five years later." She also revealed that she was trying to save money and her bouquet would have cost her a lot if she had bought it from outside." At the end of the video, she emphasized "detail on each petal." The video also contains snippets of Steinrock from her wedding day, where she is seen holding the colorful bouquet in her hand and looking extremely beautiful. People on Instagram also loved the video and her mother's efforts. The post has received 533K views, 51K likes and many comments. audstheotter wrote, "My older sister had a bouquet of handmade flowers from book pages! Those little things took ages to make, lol."

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A post shared by Jessica Steinrock | Intimacy Coordinator (@intimacy_coordinator_)



jennielea1989 shared, "The photo in your dress, I couldn't tell that they weren't real flowers! Those lilies are amazing!" wheelimm mentioned, "Your mom said hold my beer and was like speedrun crochet skills. Though to be fair, making things for loved ones does generally result in just pouring your heart and soul into doing the best you can for them, as she certainly did. The boutonniere is adorable, and your display is so lovely." glaciegirlie chimed in and wrote, "I asked my mom to knit a single flower for my wedding bouquet and she spent a year knitting a whole bouquet that ended up winning a ribbon at the state fair!!"  What a beautiful way to spread joy on the special day of our loved ones. This bouquet was perfect and for this reason, the internet is taking notes from the mother-daughter duo. 

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