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Bride hilariously trolls partner of 15 years by dusting off wedding vows at the altar

The bride explained that she needed an icebreaker to keep herself from crying at the altar.

Bride hilariously trolls partner of 15 years by dusting off wedding vows at the altar
Cover Image Source: TikTok/The school house venue

The truest form of love can withstand any test of time and obstacles and a video now going viral on social media proves exactly that. Christie Walters and Byron Jefferies spread smiles across the internet when a hilarious moment from their long-awaited wedding left millions amused. The 35-seconds-long clip shows Christie taking a dig at how she's been with Jefferies for 15 long years by blowing off 'dust' from her wedding vows. Their wedding guests burst into laughter as they realized what she was implying while her husband looked on with shock and amusement. The video has been viewed over 21 million times since being shared on TikTok by the @theschoolhousevenue account.

"He smiled at her too like 'this exactly why you the one,'" commented @michyloyaa while @grumpysaurus wrote: "I love how hard she's laughing at her own joke lol."


Christie recently spoke to Good Morning America about the story behind her hilarious gesture at the wedding. "Byron was very adamant about writing our own wedding vows. I had been super emotional leading up to it," she said. The newlywed explained that she had to do something to "break the ice" or make herself laugh to diffuse the emotional tension. "Or I'm going to cry my way through my vows," she thought to herself, Christie shared.

Meanwhile, Jefferies revealed that the pair started dating in 2007 even though it was initially tough to convince Christie that he was "super interested" in her. He added, "Neither one of us thought that this was going to be a thing." However, when they reached their mid-20s and everyone around them was getting married, a tragedy in Jefferies' family put any talk about their wedding on hold. 


"My dad passed," Jefferies shared. "That was really tough on us because my Dad was a pretty important person in my life and in Christie's life." He added that his father always wished for him to go to grad school and pursue a career in architecture. However, since he wasn't sure about what he wanted to do, Jefferies said, he put it on a "back burner."

Moreover, his father wished that if he ever got married, he should be able to support his wife and family. Jefferies ultimately decided to fulfill his father's wishes and went back to grad school in 2016. Christie supported him throughout even though it meant they would have to wait a few more years before tying the knot. She said, "I knew it was important to him personally to achieve his dreams. So, I was trying to be as supportive as I could." Jefferies graduated in 2019 and started his career as an architect. He said that he knew exactly what he had to do right after graduating.



He proposed to his partner of 15 years on the grounds of their alma mater, Clemson University, on November 13 last year. "You have to laugh with each other. Our journey was long and it wasn't easy. Being together for so long, one of the things that strengthen us together is that we laugh and joke all the time," said Christie. "Laughter is a key to our relationship and hopefully that video is a testament to what love can do and love can conquer all, even time." 

Watch the video here:


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