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Bride gracefully walks down flooded church aisle after typhoon Doksuri hits Philippines

Even a natural disaster could not stop this Filipino bride from making her way to the wedding altar to tie the knot with her partner.

Bride gracefully walks down flooded church aisle after typhoon Doksuri hits Philippines
Cover Image Source: Facebook/Maria Jasmin Halili

Natural disasters can ruin lives and plans without warning. But one bride has taken the internet by storm after deciding to go through with her wedding as planned even after the locality was left devastated by a typhoon. The bride, Dianne Victoriano-Padilla, bravely walked through the flooded aisle of Barasoain Church in Malolos City, located in the Bulacan municipality of the Philippines, without worrying about half of her wedding gown getting ruined by floodwater.


The viral moment was shared on Facebook by the groom Paulo's cousin, Maria Jasmin Halili, who congratulated the newlyweds with a bunch of photographs and videos from the wedding. The couple did not let the natural disaster dampen their spirits and continued with the wedding as the rest of the guests joined them to stand in the flooded church as well. In the video, Diane can be seen wading through the water in the church as she walks to the altar, her trailing gown and veil floating behind her as a woman helps her.

"We just resolved to push through with the ceremony, no matter what. It didn't matter if the guests refused to come because of the situation. What's important is that we wanted to be married, that the two of us were there, and that our families were with us," Diane told The Independent. It appeared that the groom, Paulo Jayvee Padilla, and his parents were already prepared for the ceremony as Paulo's trousers were cuffed at the bottom and he switched his formal shoes for a pair of slides.


Even though Diane and Paulo continued their wedding, typhoon Doksuri caused severe power outages and property destruction in the Phillippines. According to BBC, the typhoon, which was named Egay as well as Typhoon Falcon locally, strengthened monsoon rains in the region and caused flooding in many parts of the province of Bulacan. At least 26 people have lost their lives and 40 more have been rescued from a ferry that capsized in Laguna de Bay in Rizal province, which lies east of Manila, reports The Guardian.


People on the internet cheered the bride and groom's high spirits and for carrying on with their wedding. @Ggamja123 commented on Twitter where the original video was circulated by several media outlets: "Although the typhoon has occurred, the bride is still beautiful and the groom is wonderful. I wish you both the best of luck in the future." @Loeiien18 wrote: "No one or even nature can hinder their commitment to being husband and wife, congratulations."




@frma_com commented: "Old wives tale. Rain on your wedding day brings luck. Girl, your marriage will endure decades of bliss!" @thezenofzenith congratulated the newlyweds and added: "It only proves that Filipinos can weather any storm. Salute to the newlyweds! May your union be blessed and love grows stronger between the two of you." True enough, no storm or flood can stop two people in love from getting together against all odds.


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