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Bride forced to call off wedding donates the $15,000 reception to a good cause close to her heart

Certain unfortunate events forced the bride to cancel her wedding days before the big day. However, she turned things around in the most wholesome way.

Bride forced to call off wedding donates the $15,000 reception to a good cause close to her heart
Cover Image Source: YouTube | NBC Bay Area

One has surely heard the phrase, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” A South Bay bride became a heartwarming example of the same and turned a disaster-to-be into something memorable and wonderful. The bride was forced to call off her wedding due to an unforeseen and unsavory revelation about her fiance, reports NBC Bay Area. Even though it was a huge emotional disappointment, there was also financial damage involved. While dealing with the devastating turn in her relationship, the bride was also informed that she would not get a refund due to the date being too near for any changes.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Pixabay

The bride had to make a call and figure out what to do about the $15,000 she invested into what she thought would be one of the most important days of her life. The woman then decided to take the most selfless and virtuous step one could take at such a disappointing moment. She generously donated the entire event’s arrangements to the non-profit organization, Parents Helping Parents (PHP). The organization helps families who have differently abled children. The very same institution had provided help to the bride’s family in the past. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Tejre Sollie
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Tejre Sollie

The executive director of the organization, Maria Daane, was taken aback by the gesture. “I’ve never heard of anyone ever calling a non-profit and saying, 'We want to donate a $15,000 party in two weeks to you.’ This just doesn’t happen,” she said. The Mercury News shared more from Daane. She expressed her gratitude to the bride and her family, saying, “We can’t thank the bride, her family and Wedgewood Weddings enough for making this uplifting event happen.” 

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The organization immediately got to work, invited clients and received their RSVPs to make the most of the kindness gifted to them. Thanks to the compassionate heart of the bride, several families were able to come together with their gifted children and celebrate each other with music, meals and more. NBC also posted a glimpse of the celebration on YouTube, where the families are seen bonding and uplifting each other through dance, music and food, adding to each other’s strength and enjoying being just who they are.


Every bride looks forward to her wedding day and nothing beats the anticipation as days get closer. However, for this bride, it turned out to be resentful. Even then, she truly turned things around after tragedy struck and gave the families the time of their lives. Forgetting one’s pain to offer something wholesome to another is truly a magical element. NBC Washington posted the news on Facebook and people had only love and support, along with applause, to offer!


Leigh Mers said, “What a kind heart one must have to be in this situation and think 'How can I help others?'" Arlene Weiss said, “Such a kind and wonderful deed turning lemons into lemonade and the intended groom, well, it is his loss because this is a real lady and she gets a win/win, she can claim it as a tax write-off for charity while blessing her community at the holidays!”


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