The man brought a surprise home with him to help ease his girlfriend's back pain.
Even with the most happening candlelight dinners, chocolates, and roses, romance in a relationship can fade away with time. But love can evolve. Love often looks like endurance, understanding, communication, empathy, and support for one's partner when they need it the most. These crucial times of need determine whether love is alive in a relationship or not. In one case at least, love is still alive. A woman from Nashville who goes by the moniker Nina Iaderosa ( shared a TikTok video showing how her friend’s boyfriend gifted her a handmade contraption to help her heal from scoliosis, a condition of the back. The video has amassed 12 million views.
The video received mixed reactions from people. While some of them swooned over the lovely gesture of the woman’s boyfriend, others looked at it from a giggle-worthy perspective. “Baby that’s not her bf. That’s her future husband,” commented @mostlymell. @ashlyn.dreambooks quipped, “From ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ to Fifty Shades of Grey’s Anatomy!’” @nia joked, “This looks like a medieval torture device!” @zeeeex said, “May this kind of love hit me like a truck!” @texasranchie noted, “My husband just tells me to stop sitting like cooked shrimp!”
“You know someone loves you if they purchased wood to make you something in this economy,” said @jw. @bree shared, “I had a spine specialist use a device similar to this to help my scoliosis.” @echeheniqueen said, “May this kind of love attack me!” @she-elzebub sighed, “I had a dream like this once but I don’t think I had scoliosis.” Puns aside, some people advised the couple to get actual medical help rather than trying to heal the back pain at home. “So sweet of him, he is definitely a catch. But please don't try to DIY reverse scoliosis at home,” wrote @robmedc.
The video also invited comments from eminent personalities like Mackenzie Carpenter (@mackcarpmusic), e.l.f. cosmetics (@elfyeah) and the audio company Sennheiser (@sennheiser). “may this love find me,” wrote @elfyeah. @microsoftcopilot commented, “King.”
In an interview with Newsweek, Laderosa shared that her friend in the video, Rachel, experiences scoliosis pain despite being physically fit and an avid Pilates-goer. So, her boyfriend Dylan, who's an athlete, using his knowledge from physical therapy, decided to create a device to help her. "He figured the straps pulling her spine in opposite ways with tension at the points of her curve would relieve her pain and possibly help straighten it over time. He was so determined," Laderosa told the outlet.
She added that Dylan even taught her how to tie the straps in case he was not present at a time. "He drove the contraption from Georgia to Nashville, and it's currently sitting in our living room. He taught me how to strap her in it for when he leaves—as they are in a long-distance relationship. It was equal parts funny and sweet. We told our parents about it and they all were like, 'God bless that boy.'"
You can follow Nina Laderosa ( on TikTok to watch updates on this story.