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Boyfriend stumbles upon girlfriend’s secret 'Pros and Cons' list about him: 'He lacks class'

The man found himself at a loss for words after he accidentally discovered a pros and cons list his girlfriend made about him.

Boyfriend stumbles upon girlfriend’s secret 'Pros and Cons' list about him: 'He lacks class'
A young couple looking at a piece of paper (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov)

Ever considered creating a pros and cons list to evaluate someone, especially your romantic interest? It might sound like a bizarre idea at first, but this can be an interesting way to weigh the positive and negative aspects of a potential relationship. Similarly, a man—who goes by—u/throwra202401081655 on Reddit was at a loss for words when he accidentally discovered a similar list his girlfriend had made.

A man reading a piece of paper (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Michael Burrows)
A man reading a piece of paper (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Michael Burrows)

He revealed that his girlfriend had meticulously curated the list after eight months into the relationship. When he confronted her, she immediately apologized, explaining that many of the issues listed were no longer relevant. "She's all apologetic, saying she made it back when she didn't know me that well, but now she's got me all figured out, and a bunch of the stuff on the list isn't even an issue anymore," he wrote. Without altering the list, the man shared the pros and cons list where his girlfriend had outlined all the red and green flags about him. Among the many critiques, his girlfriend noted things like disliking his sense of humor, his drinking habits, his lack of class, his inattentive nature and some facial features, among others.

A young couple arguing (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Timur Weber)
A young couple arguing (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Timur Weber)

On the other hand, the list of pros was relatively short, and notably, most of them had question marks, indicating her uncertainty. To give his audience a better understanding of their relationship, the man shared details about himself and his partner, asking people how they would react in a similar situation. "I'm a tech entrepreneur, and I'm adventurous. Plus, I've got this sweet passion for photography, and I'm knowledgeable about a broad range of subjects but without the nerdy look. On the other hand, she's a doctor, a nerd, and doesn't have a ton of hobbies. We're both just average-looking people," he shared

The Reddit post received an overwhelming response on social media, with several netizens asking the man to break up with his girlfriend. For instance, u/affectionatead2942 commented, "Looks like she is not attracted to you. The green flags are all materialistic, not about you but as an object to use. This list makes me doubt that she loves you. My partner has no problem naming good points / green flags about me. Those are all about me: I make her smile, I make her feel safe, and she likes my vision for the future and wants to make memories with me. She has found some faults in me but I will not disclose these. Sorry to say, I believe she is just using you. A person who loves you will make a very different pair of lists. Hope this helps."

Image Source: Reddit | u/mdahl45
Image Source: Reddit | u/mdahl45
Image Source: Reddit | u/maybeaturtle
Image Source: Reddit | u/maybeaturtle

u/bunnyinthem00n shared, "People only make lists like that when they have serious doubts and are trying to convince themselves to stay. She thinks you are not up to her standards, and the reason she’s with you is that your d*** is ok, and you have money. She wants a golden spoon in life and you're simply a means to an end for that goal." Similarly, u/nj_pizzadude wrote, "I would point-blank ask her the following, 'If you met a man today who possessed all of the qualities I lack, would that man want to date you?' The answer is likely no." u/darknessatthevoid commented, "So the word 'Hate' is being used in the cons list... Umm, that's a red flag to me. Also, the cons list is much longer. Maybe make your list of her and see where you are at. I'd be very cautious about continuing with her."

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