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This boy with Down Syndrome comforted his classmate with autism and it will melt your heart

A video of one boy consoling his friend with a hug and a little dance has gone viral on the internet.

This boy with Down Syndrome comforted his classmate with autism and it will melt your heart

As adults, we tend to forget how to be kind to one another. Children, on the other hand, seem to be naturally empathetic and loving, no matter who they're with. In a video that is now going viral online, a child with Down syndrome is seen comforting a classmate who has autism when he has a small breakdown. The boy approached his classmate and consoled him, before reaching out and wrapping him in a tight hug. The two embrace each other for a while as the classmate with autism slowly calms down. The video, since it was first uploaded, has made everyone's days just a little bit brighter.

The heartwarming video was uploaded by the children's class teacher. She began recording when she realized what was happening. At the beginning of the clip, the boy with Down syndrome approaches his classmate and gets his attention. Then, he wraps his arms around his friend and hugs him tightly. The boy cries into his embrace but appears to be feeling better almost immediately. As his friend cries, he pats him on the back. Soon enough, the boy feels even better and is much calmer. He then takes his classmate's hand and "dances" with him, shaking his hands about as if they were dancing together. By then, the friend has stopped crying, so the boy wipes away his tears gently. Right before the video ends, you can even see the little boy flash a shy smile. Talk about cute!


Since it was first uploaded, the video has received over 155,000 reactions and 10,000 comments. Needless to say, the internet loved the two adorable children and their even more adorable exchange. Reactions to the video in the comments section have been incredibly positive. One person commented, "This boy is a clear example of loyalty, tenderness, and empathy for others. [He has] all my admiration and respect." Another wrote, "I congratulate the parents of this child. A child who gives affection to another child is because, at home, they give him lots of love. That is what our children need because a happy child is a child with a bright future." Another user added, "Thank God for creating these beautiful people, who teach us daily what we have lost as human beings. God bless you always and do not change [your] beautiful heart."


These children, in their simple interaction, showed us all the importance of empathy and kindness. Even the smallest acts of kindness can go a long way, especially when it comes to those who have disabilities. In education systems across the world, children with disabilities are often ostracized, isolated, and even punished for who they are. However, these little ones have proven that a little bit of compassion is all it takes when it comes to helping children with disabilities feel comfortable in their environment and ready to learn. Hopefully, more educators will take notice of this approach. 


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