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Boy uses his first paycheck to gift sneakers to his younger sibling: 'Sweetest big brother ever'

Realizing what his older brother has done for him, the younger boy embraces him in a warm hug.

Boy uses his first paycheck to gift sneakers to his younger sibling: 'Sweetest big brother ever'
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @goodnews_movement

Elder siblings always make sure to pamper their younger ones. They get them what they want, be it a PlayStation, the latest trendy clothes, or their favorite sneakers. In a video shared on Instagram, an elder brother can be seen gifting his brother brand-new sneakers and socks which he bought with his very first paycheck.

Instagram | @goodnews_movement
Instagram | @goodnews_movement

In the video, the elder brother is seen entering his brother's room with an orange packet in his hands and waking up his younger sibling. He then opens the package for him and the younger one is surprised to see a new pair of sneakers. He gives a tight hug to his brother and then starts looking at the sneakers. Realizing what his brother has done for him, he goes back to hug him again. The elder one then gives his little brother a new pair of socks as well. The video concludes with the younger boy trying out his brand-new pair of socks and shoes.

The video is captioned: "Using proceeds from the first paycheck from his first job ever, this brother gifts his younger sibling brand new socks & sneakers. An emotional surprise." People on the internet loved what the elder sibling did for his brother. One wrote: "That's some great parenting and big brother just gifted a core memory for the little brother. Beautiful." Another social media user said, "What truly makes this video special is the kid's gratitude. If he didn't appreciate it and didn't show how grateful he was, the video would be completely different. Always show gratitude." Another said, "Good job to his parents - you raised some kind, loving, and generous young men."

Some also shared their own heartwarming moments with their siblings. One wrote: "Sigh... I miss my brother so much... six years Sunday since I last hugged him like this... I pray these two always have each other." Another commented: "I did the same thing for my younger sister and it felt so good. It's not that we didn't have what we needed but I always felt she deserved more." Another said, "I remember when I got my first paycheck ever I took my 2 sisters and bought them an outfit each. To this day I remember how awesome that felt."


In another video of a pair of siblings, a little girl can be seen standing in front of a puddle not wanting to ruin her shoes by walking through it. Even though her mother assures her that it is only a little water, the girl is in tears and raises her arms to be carried across. Her elder brother then steps forward and carries her across the puddle in his arms. 

The heartwarming clip also inspired many on the internet to share their own stories of having an elder brother. One wrote, "I have an older brother. And it really can be nice. Despite the fact that really do annoy each other, a lot, we also know we'll have each other's backs when we need it."

Another added, "That's so adorable. My little sister was born when I was 14. I'm in my 40s and she's almost 30 now, but you never stop being a big brother no matter how old you get." A third chimed in, "Yeah. Bros are the absolute best. I'm lucky to have an older and a younger. Wouldn't change it for anything."

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