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Whole school lines up to welcome back boy who beat blood cancer. His reaction is priceless.

Bernardo made a return to school after he was diagnosed with leukemia and underwent long and painful chemotherapy treatment.

Whole school lines up to welcome back boy who beat blood cancer. His reaction is priceless.
Cover Image Source: Instagram/@goodnewscorrespondent

Cancer is a traumatic illness. Every year, one out of six deaths all over the world is attributed to cancer. Surviving cancer is challenging, especially for young children afflicted with the painful disease. So when people do survive it, it is a massive cause for celebration. A little boy was surprised by one such heartwarming celebration at his school after he beat blood cancer. In August 2021, the young child, Bernardo, "was diagnosed with leukemia and underwent long and painful chemotherapy treatment." Last week, as he returned to school after he was declared cancer-free, his schoolmates and teachers gathered around to celebrate the milestone.



In a video now going viral, Bernardo is seen walking with his parents. As he enters the gate of the school he is moved to see his school decorated with balloons and all his schoolmates lined up on the sides of the entrance, gathered to celebrate the young boy beating cancer. Bernardo is so excited he runs up and down the corridor, hugging his teachers and smiling all the way.


The video is captioned, “A hero’s return! Cancer-free and back at school!!!" Bernardo’s schoolmates can be seen welcoming him with messages of support. One of the cardboards read, "Bernardo, we are glad for your presence!" as the boy enjoys a "hero’s return to school.” Bernardo runs to each of his teachers who pick him up and hug him, congratulating him on the good news. He then runs into the entrance corridor where students lined up on either side applaud and shout for him. The video was met with a lot of appreciation, with over 44,000 views and thousands commenting, congratulating the child!



Instagram user @valentinadb5 commented, "How beautiful is this! Forget all my issues. How this makes my heart happy. God’s Blessings on Bernardo and his family." Another user, @denisem.phippslmft commented, "Wonderful teachers, staff, and students. Wonderful school! Congratulations! you are truly a hero!" User @cecekirk1207 commented, "Awwww sweetheart your amazing, Resilient, spirit is felt so strongly! I pray that God blesses you to have the beautiful life you deserve. Congratulations on being cancer free!"



A cancer survivor aboard an aircraft was treated with a heartwarming surprise recently. The pilot of an airplane announced to all passengers, "I would like to add a special welcome to a special guest in today's flight," adding that they have a very special passenger headed to Hawaii today to "celebrate her victory over late-stage breast cancer." Upon realizing the announcement is about her, Jyrl Oldham, the survivor, feels grateful and starts to tear up. Everyone aboard starts cheering and applauding her bravery and strength. In the now-viral video, the pilot continues, "She fought valiantly and now is cancer-free," and asks everyone to give her a round of applause. He adds, "Here in today's environment, It just makes it special that we can share that human bond to take care of each other. Everybody's a big family out there." Jyrl seems to gleam with joy and tears as everyone around her applauded her victory.

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